Welcome The Exes!

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"Are you for real right now?"Charlotte asked Shawn again, trying to make sure that he really said that their exes would be joining them.

"Yes, I'm very real right now."said Shawn, "I feel bad for you guys but im also really excited."

"What the hell." Mickie sighed.

VC-Mandy-I did not sign up for this.

VC-Seth-Get me the hell out of here. I have no desire to deal with this right now.

"Ya'll I knew something was up. I just knew it."said Jey.

VC-Lana-I swear....if I see Rusev.....I am going to swim back home to America, I don't care.

"You guys look anxious. Especially you Randy. Are you all not excited to see some old friends?"asked Shawn.

"No. Its not even funny."Randy responded.

VC-Randy-My ex and I....we had a pretty bad break up because...I fucked up...so, if she shows up its over for me. My experience here will officially be ruined. Im not going to have a good time.

"This is so wrong."Jey said.

VC-Finn-Nobody here was expecting this. Part of me still does not believe what Shawn is saying but...I guess we'll see.

"As if I couldnt get any more depressed."Seth complained.

"Well enough of the chit chat, lets bring out our first ex, shall we?"said Shawn as he pointed off in the distance.

Everyone turned their heads to where he was pointing.

VC-Seth-Yea I wanted new faces in the house but technically, exes aren't new faces. I thought I was here to find new love, not face my nightmares.

Each and every one of the singles began to get a mini anxiety attack. Some of them didn't mind their ex showing up while others were absolutely horrified at the idea. It was fair to say that some of them had no choice now but to confront the problems they've been running away from.

VC-Charlotte-I feel so trapped. I dont want to be in this situation but.....do I have a choice? God, I cant believe this is happening.

"I see someone."said Jey as he squinted.

"Its a dude..." said Dolph.

" said Dolph

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"Oh great...."Mickie disappointingly said.

"Is that your ex?" Charlotte asked her.

She nodded.

She nodded

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