Too Good To Be True

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Just a heads up, its a long chapter (4000+ words)


Day 12

The elevator to the Shack of Secrets caught everyone off guard when they heard it activate. It seemed like it was being taken up to the main floor.

Everyone ran to the living room to await it.

However, when the elevator got the the floor, there wasnt a message in a bottle. It was only......Shawn.

"Didnt mean to make you guys worry. My bad, my bad." he said as he got out.

VC-Mickie-The only time we see Shawn is at the beach or the Cut or Crush ceremony so we're all wondering why the hell he's here.

"This is a nice place you guys got here." He said.

VC-Seth-I dont know how to ask this in the nicest way possible but...what the fuck are you doing here Shawn? Its just like when Hunter shows up unannounced to the Challenge house. Its never a good sign.

"So you all may be wondering just what on earth im doing here and why im invading your privacy." said Shawn, " Well, you know I realized that sometimes when you're stuck in a house with a bunch of other people it can be a bit frustrating. Especially when we got so many blossoming relationships. Some of you may just want some privacy. You may want to just get away for a little bit and spend all your time with that special person."

"Yes!"Lana agreed as she held Bobby's hand.

"Well, im here with an offer. I am here to send someone on a date with a person of their choice. Its not any ordinary date. This date is the date of your dreams. Its bound to make you and that special person grow closer. And plus, you know its all funded by the producers so its going to be exquisite."

Everyone cheered.

VC-Lana-Oh my god, this would be amazing for Bobby and I. This is what we need.

"So...shall I make my pick?"he asked.

Mandy crossed her fingers.

VC-Mandy-Please pick me or Jey. Please! For the love of god!

VC-Seth-I swear if he picks that garden gnome, Adam.....I may just have to curb stomp Shawn right here right now. This date would be ideal for Lexi and I. This would really be a great opportunity for us to talk about what's been going on and to just get away from everyone.

VC-Nia-I would love to go on this date. Im staring Shawn down right now like...'you better pick me!' I would love to take Damien out and get to know him a bit more.

"Ive made my decision. "said Shawn, "And the person that im sending on the date is........Seth."

Seth cackled just to rub it in Adam's face.

"So Seth, who are you going to be taking on this date?"

Seth got up and stood next to Shawn.

"Well first of all let me say im honored Shawn. Thank you. You dont know this but you just saved yourself. There's lots of great girls in this house but there's one special one that ive been spending a lot of time with. Everyday we're getting closer and closer and this is exactly what we need right now. The person i'll be going with is my favorite person here, Alexa."

"Im very offended Seth."said Finn as he wiped a fake tear from his eye, "I thought we had something special."

Alexa got up from her seat and joined Seth.

"Lets hear it for the lovely couple!" Shawn cheered as everyone (except Adam) clapped for them.

"You guys will be leaving in an hour okay. So get ready, pack a bag. You may not be back until tonight." Shawn said, "And as for me, i'll be out of your guys' hair for now. See you guys down at the beach real soon okay, take care."

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