Truth Ceremony pt 1

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Liv shot out of her seat and ran towards Dean, all while emitting a very high pitched scream.

She jumped into his arms and started kissing him.

VC-Renee-Hm....this should be interesting.

VC-Liv-My baby's here guys! He's here! Oh my god! I better not be dreaming.

As Zelina and Bianca was being greeted by everyone, Mandy grabbed Jey by the hand and walked out of the living room.

VC-Mandy-I cannot deal with this right now, like literally cannot. This is how im going to end my time here? With Zelina and Bianca in the house? What the hell was the point of the Cut or Crush Ceremony if they were just going to come back anyway?

VC-Montez-Boys and girls, im here to tell you....the lord is real! He answered my prayers! Imma start going to church everyday now. Imma be the holiest man ever because the lord gave me what I wanted and that was to see my girl Bianca one last time. Can I get an amen? Amen.

"Hey sweet thing."Sonya said as she nudged Charlotte.

"You shouldnt have come back."

"Why not baby girl? Im here to get all the answers I need."

"Don't get too hopeful. You're going to be very disappointed."Charlotte said.

VC-Charlotte-What.....was the purpose of bringing Sonya back? I made it very clear that we were over.

"Why dont you take a drink with me?"Sonya asked as she rested her hand on the small of Charlotte's back.

"Why would I do that?"

"For old time's sake?"

She slowly began gliding her hand up and down her waist. Charlotte wasn't complaining.

"Just one little drink with me to help you release all that tension and stress in this body."Sonya said, "You know that when you're with me, all your stress goes away."

"I dont know what you're talking about because you caused a fair amount of stress on me but.....fine, just one drink."

Sonya smiled.

VC-Charlotte-Ive been kinda bored in the house so....fuck it, why not? If she wants to have a drink then fine, we'll have a drink.

VC-Sonya-Im here to get my girl back guys. Charlotte can pretend all she wants. She knows she's craving me. Sexual tension is written all over her face.


VC-Liv-So Dean is back and.....oh my god. I feel like im dreaming. I better not wake up right now and find out this is all a dream because id be sooo pissed. *pinches arm* Okay I felt that. I think im awake.

"You came back? Why?"she asked him.

The two were seen standing out on the balcony. She was still wrapped in Dean's arms. It was her ultimate place of comfort and she wasnt ready to leave yet.

"After hearing about how much my girl missed me, I couldn't leave you hanging."

She raised her head to look at him.

"I cant believe you're here. How long are you here for?"

"As long as you need me."

"Babe!"she said as she kissed him.

GC-Liv and Dean

*Liv was seen sitting across Dean's lap*

Liv-*squishes his cheeks*Dont ever leave me again.

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