Return Of The Boss

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"Oh my god what are you even doing here?"Finn asked as he gave Sasha a hug.

"Im here to party!"

VC-Finn-Holy hell.....Sasha is here.....and im all kinds of confused.

"'re single?"

She sighed, "Its a long, complicated story."

VC-Sasha-Whats up guys! Its the Legit Boss, the Blueprint, Sasha Banks! You may know me from-actually I dont have to tell you, you know exactly who I am. And im the eleventh single on Love At The Beach!

Oh, thats right. Like everyone else thought during the first day, Sasha thinks she's on a dating show to find love. Hilarious.

"I love the new hair do."he said as he stroked a strand of her blue hair.

"New hair, new attitude."

VC-Sasha-So you guys are probably wondering how am I single? The last time you saw me I was in a relationship with Roman Reigns. I was head over heels in love with him. We were a power couple. But........lately things between us havent been going great. Ever since he came home from doing Rivals, we've been having lots of problems. Petty arguements, fighting for stupid things. Our relationship got rocky. It became really frustrating. So....we decided to take a break. So technically im not actually single but whatever, we're on a break so I can do what I want.

"I think everyone upstairs is going to be shook." Finn told her.


He laughed.

VC-Sasha-Im not here to find love. Im here to have fun and let loose a little bit. I still have hope with Roman and I do have intentions of fixing our relationship. But for the next few days I just want to relax and party and-really enjoy myself. The last few reality shows I did, I was pretty miserable. Its not going to be that way this time around. I want to enjoy everything this show has to offer and I think I can do that without sex having to be involved.

Everyone had their eyes glued to elevator as they began hearing it coming up to the living room.

However, when it stopped they saw that it was just Finn.

He got out of the elevator.

"Wait-wheres the new single?"Nia asked.

"She's coming, dont worry."he said.

"Oooo 'she'." Dolph excitingly said.

Once again, the elevator began coming up to the living room.

VC-Peyton-Finn's cheeks are all red and he's all smiley and he seems all happy.....this cant be good.

"I think its Becky."suggested Seth.

"Lets hope it isnt."Charlotte folded her arms.

Finally, the elevator stopped on the floor and out came the new single.

Gasps were heard from multiple people.

"No way!"Seth exclaimed.

"What!"Mickie said in shock.

"What!"Mickie said in shock

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