Trouble In Paradise

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Bobby and Mickie

VC-Mickie-Right now, I would rather be anywhere else than here.

"I was not expecting to see you today. I really wasn't."Mickie said as they both strolled along the beach.

"I know. But, I'm here hoping we could talk things over."

"What do you want to say Bobby? There's nothing you can say that would make me forgive you. I broke down my boundaries for you because I felt like I could have trusted you but I was wrong! What more do you have to say?"

VC-Mickie-So....recently I was on a show called The Challenge. I had spent about 2 or 3 weeks on the show in South Africa. And....while I was gone....unbeknownst to me, Bobby was dating around and seeing other women. The way I found out was through one of my friends. She had gone to a restaurant and Bobby was there with another girl. She took a picture and sent it to me. So when I came back from the show and found out, I broke up with him. Not only did I have to deal with a concussion but I also had to deal with a broken heart.

"It was just casual Mickie. It was nothing serious."

"What are you talking about? I don't care if its casual, serious, friendly, whatever it is! You were seeing other women while I was gone and that was wrong!"

"I know! I know. And I am so sincerely sorry for that. I really want to make it up to you Mick, that's why I came all the way here for you. You don't think I care about you? You are the only reason why I'm here!"

There was sadness in Mickie's eyes. This was a situation she didnt want to be in but deep down inside she couldnt help but feel a little hope. Maybe he was truly sorry.

"I feel going to need time to think about everything, Bobby. Right now, this is way too much for me to take in."

"Take as much time as you need. I'll wait as long as I have too. You're a true gem Mickie, and I was too blind to see that before. But now, its more obvious than ever. I know you're the one I want to be with. You're the one I want to marry one day."

She gave a sad smile.

VC-Mickie-As angry as I am with him.....there is still hope in me that he has changed. Im too old to be messing around with fuckboys. I want a real man. I hope he can really redeem himself in the coming days. Im willing to forgive him but....I need to see that he's serious about what he's saying.


Jey and Zelina

"Damn girl, all this time you knew what was gonna happen and you didn't even let me know?"said Jey as they walked side by side on the sand.

"Where's the fun in that?"

"Yo this is crazy. I still cant believe you're here."

She smiled.

"So, you've been in the house for a day. Have you been getting into trouble with anyone?"she asked.

"Trouble? Nah. You know me. Im a good boy."

"Yea right. If that was true we wouldn't be here."

He laughed, "No im serious. I took it easy on the first day. However, Mandy and I have been flirting a little, im not gonna lie."

"Mandy? Like.... the same Mandy that wanted your brother?"

"You see...... when you say it like that it sounds bad."

"That girl is desperate to get her hands on anything that's Samoan."

"Yea but, I know her reputation so I aint even gonna bother. She's out of the question. I feel like.... im prepared to focus on you only. I know I messed up so now, this is my chance to get my girl back."

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