Heart Broken Kids

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Welcome back, lets get you caught up.

The first three exes to arrive was Nia, Bobby and Zelina and boy, some people sure werent bappy to see any of them. With Zelina being here and getting all Jey's attention, Mandy feels threatened and is now plotting a way to get in-between the newly rekindled couple. With Bobby being here, Lana quickly dropped Randy like a hot potato, as did Bobby with Mickie. And lets not even get into Nia and Randy's situation.

Then came Peyton and Cesaro.

With Peyton's arrival, Finn placed Alexa on the back burner because now all of his attention was on his ex lover. The only person that found joy out of that situation was our boy Seth who was beginning to get very bored and lonely in the house.

I can just see Seth rubbing his hands together and cackling maniacally right now.

As for Cesaro, he's straight chilling since 'Jey-obsessed' Mandy quickly shut down his hopes of ever reigniting their romance. Not quite the fairy tail ending he was expecting.
It was a brand new day in the EOTB house and a few people had some catching up to do.

"I wake up and I find two new people in the house? What did I miss?"Nia said to Alexa and Mandy as they were all laying on the sofa.

"Finn and Mandy had their exes arrive yesterday."said Alexa.

"Damn. Mandy, how do you feel about that?"

"I already told Cesaro that im not interested so, I dont give a damn about him."

"Cesaro's fine though."said Nia.

"Been there, done that. You can have him if you want."

"Men disgust me. I think I may turn lesbian."Nia jokingly said.

"Tell me about it. Since Peyton showed up, Finn hasnt even talked to me. Like...is he just going to pretend that we didnt have sex on the first night? Is he going to pretend that we didnt sleep on the same bed for two nights?"Alexa ranted.

"Try finding out that the man you loved and dated for months was cheating on you the entire time. Beat that."Nia said.

Alexa and Mandy's jaws dropped.

"Are you serious?"Alexa asked.

"Yup. Thank god for the Shack of Secrets. If I wasnt able to go through his phone, he wouldve kept playing me and I wouldve kept being Boo Boo The Fool to him."

"How did you find out?"Mandy asked.

"Here's what happened."Nia said as she began to give them the run down of what took place yesterday in the Shack of Secrets.

VC-Nia-So, if you remember, I was able to go through Randy's phone. So, I went to his social media and scrolled through his dms and found out that he was hooking up with bitches during the time we were dating. I saw the messages, I saw the receipts and they were all dated around the same time we were together. I saw him telling some porn star how unhappy he was in his relationship with me and how he would be happier with her and all this dumb bullshit. Another one of his messages said 'last night was so amazing, wish I could be waking up to you everyday'. I just-saw a lot of things and....*wipes eyes* it was unbelievable. Being with him made me the happiest ive ever been in such a long time because for once I felt truly loved and appreciated. I had so many insecurities but Randy was able to make me feel beautiful. So can you imagine.....how im feeling....knowing what he was doing behind my back the entire time? All the insecurities and depression immediately comes rushing back. I feel so stupid......I feel....like the biggest idiot to ever exist.

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