In The Dark

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(continuation of the first day)

As the day progressed, so did the drinking and the socializing.

VC-Randy-Right now I feel like a lucky bastard. Look at the girls im going to be living with for the next two weeks. Alexa, Mandy, Lana, they're all freaks. Hell, I might even try pulling up on Mickie because she's fine as hell too. Shit, if Charlotte wants to take a ride on The Viper id be down for that even. Im ready for anything.

Choose your words wisely Randy because personally, I dont think you are.

Some of the singles were seen hanging around in the kitchen.

"Lana, how many guys have you been with since you got divorced?"asked Dolph.

"Ive been with a few guys but they were all one night stands. Im looking for a real relationship now."

"Uh oh, don't say the word 'relationship' around Randy. You're gonna scare him."said Seth as everyone laughed.

VC-Lana-Randy is so yummy. I mean look at the man. Tall, tan, has tattoos, has abs, has muscles, probably has a know what. I mean look at the size of him, no doubt about it he has a big package.

"Randy, are you here to find 'the one'?"Charlotte asked him.

"I mean......sure....I guess. May lightning strike me dead if that does happen."

"No like, be real. Are you looking for love or are you just here to have hook ups? I know you're a notorious player."

"Well as of right not trying to be in anything serious. I just got here, I want to have a good time. We got plenty of time to 'find the one' and fall in love and all that crap."

Mickie rolled her eyes.

VC-Mickie-I feel like some of the people here aren't serious at all about trying to find love and im like...well what are you even here for? Are you just here to have hookups because thats not the purpose of this show.

"I understand. You just want to have fun." Lana defended Randy,"You just got out of a relationship. Theres nothing wrong with wanting something casual."

"Didnt you just say you wanted a real relationship Lana?"Seth asked.

"Like Randy said, we have plenty of time for that. For now, no strings has to be attached."

"You're speaking my language."Randy said while gently pinching her butt cheek.

VC-Randy-I feel like being here, trying to find 'love', you're putting yourself under a lot of pressure and basically rushing into commitment. In other words, you're forcing yourself to dive into a relationship. Thats not how I roll. I like to let it happen naturally.
Mandy and Jey were seen still sitting out by the pool, sharing a bottle of champagne with two glasses.

VC-Jey-Mandy is a beaut. But....I don't know man I feel wrong to even think about pursuing anything with her because of the whole Jimmy situation. She even tried pulling up on my cousin Roman like.....I don't want her to get to me too. She's bad news.

"Im really happy you're here."she said.

"And whys that?"

"I thought I was gonna be lonely but...after seeing you arrive....I knew that id be entertained. You'll keep me entertained won't you?"she batted her lashes at him.

"Well....I aint no performer or anything like that-"

"Oh trust me, I can tell you're a performer."her eyes scanned him up and down, "You'll be the performer, i'll be your assistant. I'll gladly do anything you tell me too."

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