Déjà Vu

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Continuation of the same day

Liv was able to pull Lana aside to get some one on one time with her.

VC-Liv-When I showed up at the beach, Lana literally stormed off. So we didnt get a chance to talk about anything. I dont know why she's so angry with me.

"Well, its nice seeing you after all this time." Liv said to Lana.

Lana nodded.

"Lana....I dont get it. Why are you acting like this? Did I do something to you? You've been so cold towards me."

"Liv....right now, im in a happy relationship with my Bobby. I know you were like...obsessed with me and.....I dont feel the same towards you."


"Let me finish okay. Im happy right now. And I dont want anyone or anything to get in the way of that. What we had was great but you took things too seriously. We were never going to be anything more than friends."

Liv nodded, "Okay but....im not here to get you back. I just want to know why you ditched me. We were best friends! Did our friendship mean nothing to you?"

"Yes you meant a lot to me but I feel like our friendship was going the wrong way. You seemed....in love with me."

"Okay....let me be honest, I was falling for you. I thought that we both wanted to be together because thats the impression I was getting from you. Do you remember we would spend a lot of time together? Just you and me. What else was I supposed to think when we would always be hooking up, going on dates, staying up until 5 am talking?"

"I know. Thats my fault. I shouldn't have lead you on."

"Ya think? Anyway, I hope nothing's going to be awkward between us. I miss you. I want our friendship to continue. Probably without the hooking up though."

"Sure. That would be fine with me."

Liv hugged her tightly.

"So, you and Bobby huh? Do you think he's the one?" Liv asked her.

She nodded, "I do. He makes me so happy. I never thought id fall in love with anyone again but, Bobby changed my mind. He's perfect. What about you? Have you been seeing anyone since we last spoke?"

"Yea I...sort of have been. I dont want to reveal too much details on that because its such a confusing situation but....ive been busy with someone."

"Oooooh you have to tell me!"

"We need to go somewhere private to talk."

"Yes. Lets grab a drink first."

VC-Liv-So yea, like ive been seeing someone but....we're kind of keeping things open even though I didn't want too because honestly id marry the man in a heart beat but, he's off doing his thing and he told me to have fun. He told me to do what I want and enjoy myself so that's what im here to do. I miss him but you know what, im here to party and have a good time, maybe kiss a few guys, who knows.


"So you guys hooked up before?" Carmella asked Bianca referring to Jey.

Bianca, Jey, Carmella, Randy, Finn, Charlotte, Renee and Cesaro were all seen hanging out in the hot tub.

Bianca was sitting on top of Jey's lap.

"Many times."she said, "Our history runs deep."

Jey blushed.

"Have you ever hooked up while he was dating Zelina?"Charlotte asked.

"No but we did other things through the phone."she said.

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