Another Brick In The Wall

390 26 96

Day 18

VC-Carmella-So ive noticed lately that Randy's been acting a bit strange. I feel like he's pushing me away. He'd rather hang out with everybody else than give me any attention. I dont understand it at all. Did I do something to him? He just seems very...uninterested.

"Hey, im going in the pool. Do you want to join me?"Carmella asked Randy as he was in the middle of a game of pool with Cody, John and Montez.

"Im doing something here."he said to her without taking his eyes off the game.

"You could be doing something else if you know what I mean."She flirtatiously said as she bit her lip and twirled her hair. However, there was no need for her to do that because again, Randy didnt even look at her once.

Montez's eyes widened.

VC-Montez-Bro....your girl is giving you obvious signs that she wants to make some magic happen. What the hell are you still doing here? Drop that damn pool stick and chase after her! What are you, an idiot?

"Give me like an hour okay."he said.

"Yo, you can leave the game. Its fine."said Montez, "We understand."

"Bro code, baby. We got you."John added.

Randy didnt respond. He kept his focus on the pool table.

"Okay-look, can we talk for a sec? You're acting really ridiculous."Carmella asked him.

"What part of im doing something dont you understand?"Randy harshly said.

"Did I do something to you? You've been acting like such an ass lately."

"We'll talk later Carmella."

"No! I want you to talk to me right now!"she yanked the pool stick from his hands.

VC-Randy-Im-im a bit confused. Did I somehow get married without knowing because Carmella is acting like my nagging wife right now.

Randy gave up and went off to the side with her to talk.

"What did I do to you? You're acting so different."she said.

"You didnt do anything except for just now."

"You've been ignoring me for like a day now Randy. The past two nights you got drunk and slept on the sofa, leaving me to sleep alone! If I did something, let me know. You're obviously pushing me away."

Randy didn't respond.

"Wait-have you been seeing somebody else? Is thats whats going on?"

"No Carmella."

"Then whats up?"

"Look-I just need my space okay. This is getting a bit overwhelming and I need my time alone."

"But you're never alone. You're always with your friends."

"Ive been spending a lot of time with you and I need a break okay."

"What the hell are you talking about? Ive always given you your space. You're making it seem like im always clinging to you and thats not true. You know that. Dont lie to me Randy, what's really going on?"

"I already told you. All I space."

She nodded, "Okay fine, I understand that. But at least you could have told me instead of just ignoring me and leaving me confused."

"Yea, you're right."

VC-Carmella-Randy and I are not together but, in my opinion, we've been working our way there. If he wants space from me for whatever reason then fine, he'll get it. But, he better not want too much space because he can lose me pretty damn easily. If he thinks im going to sit around and wait for him he's kidding himself. I know all about Randy, I know how he is. Im going to keep my eye on him for sure.

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