Damage Control

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"Mandy, can you at least give me a chance to talk to you."Jey pleaded as he followed behind his pissed off girlfriend.

Everyone was already back at the house after the Truth Ceremony had finished.

"The one thing I wanted from you, I couldnt get."Mandy argued as she walked briskly towards the bedroom.

"Babe its just a stupid lie detector. It doesnt mean anything."

"I dont care. I dont fucking care. How many times are you going to fuck up?! Why do you keep doing this?!"she yelled.

"I did nothing!"

"This isnt fair for me Jey!"

"Stop believing in this lie detector crap-"

She stopped walking and turned to face him.

"I believe in it because I knew that everything I said was true! I meant every answer I gave! Thats why I believe it! How many lies did you tell? How many of your answers were inconclusive!"

"Thats something out of my control-what do you want me to do? That lie detector thing means nothing to me. Come on, we're stronger than this babe. We fought too hard for us to let this affect us!"

"I fought too hard! I did! Not you! If you want to go back to Zelina or keep hooking up with Bianca then fine! Go ahead! This is over Jey. Im tired of looking like the idiot all the time! I had my heart on my sleeve tonight for you.....but in the end, I got humiliated. Im better than this."she said as she walked away.

VC-Mandy-I mean, do you blame me for being pissed at him? Like, come on. I feel like he really is with me for the image. Thats the only thing I got out of this entire Truth Ceremony. Im Mandy fucking Rose, I should have a man that'll worship me. But Jey-Jey is being a complete fool right now. If he wants to be a player then go ahead. But he wont be playing me.

Jey banged his fist on the wall a few times out of anger.

VC-Jey-I hate this fucking show. I hate it bruh! Im done chasing after her. If she wants to be like that then fine! I got one more day left here then im gone. Then im gonna be at peace. These girls in here way too dramatic for me. Im ready to leave all of this behind.

Sasha was seen sitting out on the balcony, looking out into the night sky with a full glass of red wine in her hand.

The bottle of wine was nearby on a table in case she needed a refill.

She was still dressed in the same clothes that she attended the Truth Ceremony with. She wanted to be alone. She even turned down Mickie's company. And as for Finn, she still wasnt to keen on interacting with him.

As her eyes were fixated on the moonlight, the thought racing through her mind was: what is my next step going to be?

Sure, being on the show was quite fun for some time but as soon as its over then she's going to be faced with the mess waiting for her back in the real world. Some of the mess was already here at the house.

The glass sliding door to the balcony slid open.

In walked Roman.

She turned her head momentarily to see who it was. When she saw who it was, she returned to gazing at the stars.

He slid the door shut, walked over and sat on the chair opposite her.

The tears were already fighting to roll down her cheek. 

"I think its time we had that talk now before this keeps getting out of hand."he said.

She didnt respond.

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