Dont Mess With The Bloodline

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Continuation Of The Same Day

Everyone was out at the pool area soaking up what was left of the 5:30 PM sun.

Since there were now three new additions to the house, there was no other way to properly make them feel welcomed than to have a little party.

Surprisingly, everyone agreed to partake in the get together despite there being tension between some housemates.

"Ugh, I cant believe he's doing this right in front of my face." Nia said with a scowl as she side-eyed Randy and Carmella.

She and Mandy were laying on lounge chairs watching all the action unfold.

"Why are you bothered?" asked Mandy, "You guys are over right?"

"Im bothered because that's the bitch he cheated on me with!"

"One of the bitches he cheated on you with." Mandy corrected her.

"I dont care. Its pissing me off seeing how they're acting like this happy couple knowing very well that im here. Its just so disrespectful. How can you be acting so lovey dovey in front of me with the girl you cheated on me with! Its just ridiculous."

"Stop being jealous Nia."

"Yea....... its very easy for you to say."

VC-Nia-Randy and Carmella have been all over each other since they got here and....its eating me alive! Thats my fucking man! Get your filthy paws off of him! *sighs* Okay.....I know thats not my man anymore but......its hard. Its hard seeing him with someone else. You guys dont understand how im feeling right now *buries face in hands* you really dont.


Finn, Seth and Sasha were seen hanging out in a corner of the pool.

Now and again Seth would glance over to Adam and Alexa who were in the hot tub conversing. He wondered what they were talking about because the way Adam had her laughing was making his blood boil.

Even though it bothered him, he was trying his best to take his mind off of them.

VC-Seth-Adam and Alexa have been hanging out ever since they came back to the house. The guy cant seem to leave her alone. I dont know if she's told him anything about me but.....*sighs* I dont fucking know man, its killing me knowing that she may just toss me aside. I got PTSD from my situation with Paige okay, you cant blame me for over thinking things. I dont want to believe that she'll do that to me. never know. She did it to me once.

"Look at us, the three amigos hanging out. Its just like the old times." said Sasha.

"Cheers to that." Finn raised his cup.

"Finn, how come you're not over there with your so called girlfriend?"Sasha asked.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"I know. But she seems to think so."

"We're having some problems right now. Basically she told me that its either you or her."

"She wants you to choose?" Seth asked.

Sasha almost spat out her drink, "What the hell? Are you serious?"

VC-Finn-I was enjoying my time with Peyton but......her overreacting to me hanging out with Sasha really turned me off. Making me pick between her or Sash turned me off even more.

"Did she forget that she cheated on you? Now she wants to act like some sort of victim? That's hilarious to me. She needs to chill and remember what she did." Sasha said.

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