Chapter 42

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When Sam told us that Laina didn't remember us I broke, I completely and totally broke. This girl that I loved and fought for so many times doesn't remember anyone but fucking Sam. And she thinks they're dating. GREAT. I didn't even want to see Laina, let alone have to deal with meeting her all over again. She told me she loved me, but that can't be true now. Now all she remembers is loving fucking Sam.

The doctor told us some of the details about her possible PTSD condition and how whatever caused her memory loss was probably extremely traumatic and she might not ever remember that, but she would most likely remember everything else soon, but no time was soon enough.

It was already 1 and Laina should be home soon. My head was consumed in different scenarios, what if she remembered me the instant she saw me? What if there was some trigger object or word or memory that could make her remember me? I was nervous and anxious and also a little bit excited. I hadn't seen her in a week and she probably looked gorgeous. But she won't remember me and I don't know what to do. I don't even want her to see me like this.

I hopped up and went into the bathroom and was disgusted by my reflection. My eyes were red and swollen and my cheeks were tear stained. I soaked my face in a warm towel to reduce the puffiness and redness. After a little while I heard the front door open.

She was here.



We were parked outside of a mansion. And by mansion I mean like HUGE. There was a roundabout drive way and the house was beige with blue/gray accents. There were so many windows and the path that lead to the front door, which was a blue/gray color double door, looked like it was made out of granite stones. I sat in the car and took a deep breath putting my head in between my knees. I am going to meet five people, all of which desperately want me to remember them, but I can't no matter how hard I try. My eyes well with tears and my breathing becomes uneasy.

"Laina it's gonna be okay." Sam cooed in my ear and rubbed my back.

"Sam what if I'm not the same as they remember and they don't like me?" I say worried with tears in my eyes, instantly getting self conscious of literally everything about myself.

"Lai Baby, you're the one that lost your memory, not them." he said with a chuckle and unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door to get out. He made it look so easy to do, but I was shaking so violently I could stay still enough to unbuckle my seat belt. "Lai are you coming?" Sam said chuckling.

"Sammy I can't unbuckle this fucking seat belt I can't do anything I'm so fucking incapable." I said raising my voice and crying a little because of my inability to keep up. I slammed my hands angrily on the dash board. My wrists throbbed and my hand that was in a cast screamed in pain but I didn't show it. My mind was so foggy right now and all I wanted to do what pass out and never wake up, but I had to go inside and meet 5 people I'm supposed to trust with my life and I've been living with for the past year and I love and I was obsessed with on the Internet. It was so much to take in and right now I was shaking and crying with my own arms wrapped around myself trying to comfort myself.

Sam unbuckled my seat belt for me and helped me out of the car I looked at him, hoping my teary eyed expression would be enough to make him take me back into the car, but he just gave me a sympathetic and sad smile. I took a couple deep breaths and Sam and I walked up to the door. I took a huge breath as I opened the door, twisting the door knob that separated me and whatever lay passed it.

And then I took a step inside.

I looked around, a stair case right when you walk in, and i was pretty sure there was another one leading to a third level. The house was decorated marvelously, everything had a beach theme to it. "This house is so well decorated." I say to Sam.

"You decorated it baby." he said hugging me from behind and kissing my head. "WE'RE HOME." Sam screamed which made me jump away from him. He looked at me worried before coming to my side again. I just gave him a weak smile.

I heard foot steps coming my way and then 4 boys appeared in front of me.

"KIAN?" One of the boys screamed and I winced. Why was screaming so frightening to me? Sam looked me over out of the corner of his eye.

A tall boy came down the stairs and a dog followed him.

"Joker!" I yelled and the dog came running. Of course I remember Joker, I got him back home when Lucas and I were dating. Joker came to me but didn't jump up like I was used to. He sniffed and nudged my cast which hurt me a little bit. I pet his head and it was then I realized I had 12 eyes all burning holes through me.

"Why don't we go sit in the living room?" One of the other boys said and I followed them into the living room, it was huge just like the rest of the house, and had a huge tv and every gaming system imaginable was set up along a shelf underneath the flat screen. There were three large tan couches that created a C shape in front of the tv. I sat in a black leather lazy boy that faced the couches and Joker laid on my feet.

"So Laina." One of the boys said, "do you remember this place? or us? Or anything?" He shot questions at me like bullets.

"Okay okay can we please just, please slow down." I say quietly and shyly. "I don't even know your names." I say under my breath and look up at all of them. They all looked sadly at me and I couldn't help but let a few tears escape.

"Okay Lai, baby it's okay." Sam said and picked me up and let me sit on his lap in the lazy boy. "lets just introduce you to everyone." He said quietly in my ear.

The boy farthest to the left stood up and walked towards me, "hi Laina, I'm Ricky." He said and started twerking which startled me a bit. I chuckled nervously because everyone else was laughing. I'm sure I used to think this guy was funny but right now I'm so overwhelmed and tired. 30 seconds after that boy had told me his name I had forgotten it.

"Hey guys, I'm really really tired right now. And I know you're all eager to get me to remember you, but I don't even remember your name and you just told me." I said to the one on the far left while tears sped down my cheeks. Sam tried to get me to sit back down but I ran up two flights of stairs to the third level which Sam had told me my room was on. I opened the door to the first room down the hallway and shut the door and locked it. I buried my head into my bed and was comforted by the smell of the sheets. I quickly fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.


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