"Well Laina, I haven't stopped feeling that way about you. You're gorgeous and fantastic and I want you to feel loved, by me. I want you to stay here with me, not go home. You can't leave me, please." I whisper the last words and then I hear her soft breathing. I look at her through the darkness and she's asleep.
"Right when I get the courage..." I mumble to myself. I sit in my bed and look at the clock 3:06 am. I lay my head down and start drifting to sleep.
Right as I'm about to fall asleep I hear the door open and I instantly reach to put my arm around Lai, but she isn't there.
My eyes shoot open and I see a note, it reads "if I'm not back when you wake up just know I went for a walk. xoxo, Lai"
I sigh and know that I should give her space. I don't want to give her space. I want to hold her as tight as I can and kiss her all over and call her mine, let the whole world know she's mine.
Soon I fall back to sleep, dreaming of her.
I walk out of Kian's room and downstairs. I see Ricky watching Pokemon on the couch, "hey rickster" I say and ruffle his hair.
"Hey muffin how's it swinging?" He asks and squeezes my hand lightly.
"Nothing, I'm just going for a walk." i say and grab my shoes that were under the couch and start towards the door.
When I get outside I hear someone whisper my name from above me. Great now I'm going crazy I thought to myself and look up.
Jc was sitting on his balcony, he climbed down and started walking with me.
"I kinda wanted to be alone Jc." I say to him. He acts offended but continues walking with me. I tell him that I plan to go to Troye, Tyler and Bethany's house to clear my head, he nods and let's me walk, he doesn't know that I lied.
I'm not going there. I'm going to Connor's.
Now why would I lie about going to Connor's? Because Connor, after leaving o2l got his apartment and became alone. The boys were a little mad at him for leaving still when they found out that I had been visiting him every night to try and help him with his channel. They said that I was supposed to be on their side, but I didn't really take sides.
It took me an hour and a half to walk to Connor's without getting kidnapped or raped, which is lucky at 3:30 am.
I pulled out my spare key and opened the door to see Connor sitting on the floor filming a video.
"And that dear viewers is why the turkey is very different than the chicken." he did his outro and then came and hugged me.
"Lai." he whispered into my hair. I smiled at his voice. I looked up to him and he looked down at me.
"I needed to be with you." I said and we walked to his couch. I sat in a ball on his lap and we talked until I couldn't say anything more.
"Lai I think you need to go home. I think what you really need is to sort things out with that kid Lucas."
His name made my breathing hinge.
The person that ruined my life?
I climbed back to the balcony and thought about Laina. why would she need to go to Troye and Tyler's house? I didn't even know she talked to Troye and Tyler anymore.

In A Matter Of Seconds (o2l)
FanfictionAn O2L fan fiction about a girl named Laina Scaltes who goes to California in search of deepening love, and ends up finding herself and another family along the way.