"CAMERON DALLAS ARE YOU TAKING ME TO THE CARNIVAL????" I scream as I see the Ferris wheel in the distance.
"When we were younger you said you wanted to go to one. So I thought I'd take you." He said grabbing my hand and squeezing it.
When we got there he opened my door for me and held my hand as we walked in.
We went on all the rides. I was even in one of his vines where I "accidentally" smashed a funnel cake into a man's face.
It was an amazing day. Cameron had won me a bunny in one of those carnival games where you throw the ball at the cans.
"Let's go on the ferris wheel." Cameron suggested because the sun was going down and it was the last thing we had to do.
We walked up to the Ferris wheel and there was no line. Weird.
We got into our seat and I snuggled in to Cameron.
"So Laina. Do you see this sunset? It's beautiful isn't it. It reminds me a lot of you. All the colors morphing together to create one picture perfect scene in time. You are that picture perfect scene in time, but it's not just one scene. It's every second I'm with you, I just want to tell you how I wished we could have grown up together and stayed friends and that I'm sorry I moved to California away from you. So Laina, will you be my girlfriend?"
I was practically in tears as I pulled him into a kiss. It wasn't long but neither of us wanted it to be. I didn't feel anything like I did with Sam, which worried me a bit but I didn't care.
"So is that a yes?" He asked again looking into my eyes.
"No." I said and looked away from him. We both started cracking up and he pouted playfully at me and I kissed him again.
What a day.
There were only 6 days until Vidcon and until I see Laina. I was hoping I could hide Andrea from her and have it be like it used to with her. I sighed and opened my phone and scrolled through Twitter. I saw Cameron Dallas had posted a picture, and Laina was in it.
@camerondallas: I had the best date with my new baby look at how adorable she is with the bunny I won her :) Go rt our vine and ill follow some ppl
Laina looked adorable. She had a head band on and her hair was curled slightly. Her outfit was perfect and her makeup was done perfectly. She stood there smiling wildly with her eyes closed and looking up slightly with a medium sized grey bunny under her arm and behind her was the stand he must have won it at. She was holding up a peace sign and looked utterly adorable.
I looked at Laina's Twitter and there was a picture of Cameron hugging her from behind and slightly picking her up and she was laughing and so was he. It was a perfect moment to take a picture.
The picture was posted with the caption; @LainaScaltes: thank you, cam
I decided it was time. There were only six days, it's time to text her right?
I opened my text messages, my hands shaking, we haven't talked since she left however long ago.
I type her contact name in and as I'm typing the message, Andrea busts through the door.
"Hey baby." She says and I throw my phone down.
It was my last day with Cameron and him and I both new we would need to break up. Neither of us could handle long distance and it was just smarter. I didn't want Cameron to know but I was sort of glad. He was an amazing boyfriend but I knew that he wasn't the one.
I took a picture of us kissing and posted it on Twitter with the caption; @LainaScaltes: @camerondallas thank you for making the past week the best of my life.
I posted it and he looked at me and kissed me passionately.
He drove me to the airport because I was going to Vidcon one day early.
"Goodbye Laina, I'll miss you so much baby." He whispered in my ear and it pulled at my heart.
"I'll miss you too, Bunny." I said to him and kissed him whole heartedly.
I walked through security and got on my plane. I opened my phone and opened messages,
To: Justin✊
I'm coming home.
Okay guys so this was filler because the next couple chapters get crazy af and I'm so excited so yeah here's a double update today❤️❤️
Xoxo @totallytesss

In A Matter Of Seconds (o2l)
Hayran KurguAn O2L fan fiction about a girl named Laina Scaltes who goes to California in search of deepening love, and ends up finding herself and another family along the way.