When Connor and Laina left there was a sense of normality that felt over the house. I looked over at Kian and Ricky who were antsy to do something.
"Wanna get in the pool?" Sam asked and we all jumped up and ran to our rooms to get ready. When I entered mine I sighed at the mess it was, all of the things I had broken out of anger were scattered across the room, but in on little neat pile, there was a sweater and some leggings that were Laina's. I chuckled when I saw them and I picked them up and inhaled them, they smelled just like her. I looked to my bed and saw the spot where she had slept above the covers like she normally did. I sighed and slipped into my swim trunks. I ran downstairs and jumped into the pool, followed by Ricky and Jc.
I laughed when I saw Sam sitting soaked on the side of the pool.
After an hour of fucking with each other in the pool I looked towards Sam, "so Sam how is it to get a second chance when you fucked up so hard?" I asked him bluntly.
Ricky and Jc looked at me disapprovingly, I shouldn't have brought up what he did to Laina but I had to. I needed him to know how I felt.
"I'm just glad that she remembered one of us. Am I happy that it was me? Yes. Am I happy that she remembers that we dated? Of course! Am I happy that she thinks we're dating? Well I don't know. It's nice to get a do over. I'm sure you would like a do over. So stop busting my balls just because the girl you love doesn't remember who you are." Sam said and turned to walk into the house.
What Sam said was true. if I could have do over I would. I walked up to my room and got in the shower trying to wash away all of my worries.
Connor woke me up after a little nap and told me we were half way there. I started getting really excited and looked over at Connor.
"Con I love you. And even after I remember everyone I still want you to be my best friend." I say and grab his hand that was sitting on the center console. He squeezed my hand and smiled while keeping his eyes on the road.
After another 15 minutes we pulled into a coffee shop that I remembered. I could recognize it and I could remember some conversations Connor and I had here. I shot him the largest smile and jumped into his arms which made him laugh and kiss my forehead. We sat and got our coffee and Connor told me about all of his new projects. I was intrigued by the way he talked. It made me fascinated to learn about things that I would normally never be interested in.
After an hour of being in the shop, Connor and I got in the car and started driving home.
"Oh my gosh Connor!" I say all of the sudden.
"Yes Lai?" He said taking his eyes off the road for a split second.
"Let's get a cat!" I squeal pointing to the cat store that was a few intersections ahead of us.
"If you're not kidding we are definitely doing it." He said getting into the left lane so he could turn into the cat store parking lot.
"Connor we are getting a cat." I say and he pulls into the parking lot and finds the closest spot to the store.
I basically ran out of the car and Connor caught my waist and picked me up so he could get into the store before me. I was laughing hysterically as I grab his hand and laced his fingers with mine.
"Hello welcome to Cat World!" A man said from behind the counter.
"That's gonna be you in 10 years." I whisper to Connor as we walk up to the counter. He chuckled and we greeted the man. This man was weird. He had very small circular glasses that sat on the very tip of a large nose that was slightly upturned, he wasn't very old, but he had cheeks and a chin like my 90 year old grandfather. He was tossing a cat toy back and forth in between his hands until we came up to the counter.
"So you're looking to buy a little critter today?" The man said grabbing a set of keys and leading us to a door that was labeled "Meeting"
"Yes we are" I said happily as the man motion for us to enter the room.
"Okay so this room to the left here has the kittens in it, when you're ready use some hand sanitizer and go into the room. When you decide you can click this button and an employee will come help you." He smiled and walked out, leaving Connor and me to get on with deciding.
We put on hand sanitizer and entered the room, there were like 20 plus kittens in the room. "Is this what heaven looks like?" I say to Connor whose eyes were wide with excitement.
We picked up each cat individually, liking some and not liking others.
We had only gone through about 10 cats when I picked up a grey cat with short legs, I looked at the tag next to her cage and saw she was half munchkin, which means she'll have stubby legs, and that she's only 8 weeks old.
"Con." I said holding the kitten in my arms like a baby as she played with my hair. I giggled as she stared with bright eyes as she seated at my hair.
"She's adorable, Lai." Connor said. tickling the cats belly. She purred wildly and Connor and I looked into each other's eyes before pressing the button.

In A Matter Of Seconds (o2l)
FanfictionAn O2L fan fiction about a girl named Laina Scaltes who goes to California in search of deepening love, and ends up finding herself and another family along the way.