When Jc carried me up to his room he threw me on his bed before jumping and laying on top of me.
"Justin. Get off of me. You're fat." I say laughing.
"Wow. Don't see my best friend for more then two months and you call me fat." He said gripping his heart. and making a sad face.
I laugh and shove him off of me. "So how have you been Lai?" He asked holding my hand.
"Well I had to break up with Cameron, which was kind of shitty but at the same time I knew the relationship was going no where. I modeled a little for some stores and I've been talking with Louis about some movies but it's kind of undecided. And the next 4 months will be the most hectic of my life." I said and laughed a little thinking about how stressed I know I'm going to be.
"I knew you were gonna model." He said with the biggest smile I've ever seen.
"Oh by the way, thanks for cleaning the house for me. Kian's room even smelled like perfume!" I said laughing. Jc looked a little confused but I brushed it off.
"Alright let's head back downstairs so you can see everyone else." Jc said and kissed my cheek, causing me to blush like crazy and my heart to pound.
I mean I was 18 and Jc was 21, and I've always had a tiny crush on him (and let's be honest everyone else in O2L too.) And that's when my life caught up to me.
I felt faint and dizzy, what the fuck had my life been for the past year?
A year ago I would lock myself in my room and watch O2L videos to make myself feel better when Lucas didn't tell me I looked pretty that day. A year ago I would never wear a skin tight shirt or any other type of clothing because I thought my curves were ugly because Lucas had only dated stick thin girls before me. A year ago I was with Lucas and my family back in Texas and never imagined myself with 2 million subscribers on YouTube. A year ago I only dreamed of meeting O2L and now I've lived with them and I'm going on tour with them and I've modeled and will possibly be in a movie.
I opened my eyes to an extremely worried Jc hovering over me. My head was pounding like crazy and I just wanted to throw up.
"Laina! Are you okay?" He said scanning over me.
"Um no." I said getting up with a pounding head ache and running to the bathroom to puke.
"We need to get you to the hospital." Jc said and picked me up.
"Jc I'm fine." I said and then everything went black and more thoughts of my life clouded my brain.
I hurried her down the stairs and the guys ran over to me worried.
"Jc what the fuck happened?" Sam said frantically.
"I don't know she just passed out. I think she has a concussion."
We all rushed into Kian's jeep and drove her to the hospital.
We had stayed over night in the hospital and when we woke up the doctor from Laina's room was standing with us.
"Hello boys, I'm Dr. Wein." He said and shook our hands. "So your friend, Ms. Scaltes, is going to be completely fine. She just bumped her head a little too hard, she doesn't even have a concussion. She can be released in one hour."
We all sighed in relief and one hour later Laina came out of her room looking fantastic. She had on a plain white V neck that was tight and some jean shorts that fit her perfectly. Her hair was braided and when she saw us her face lit up.
"OH MY GOD ITS O2L!!" She screamed and laughed and so did all of us.
On the way home she told us about what she was thinking about and we all told her that we felt the same way when our YouTube careers took off. It was nice to hear more about her because it had been a while since we talked like this
"So let's get home and I'll help y'all pack for VidCon?" Laina asked and we all agreed.
When we got home I helped each boy get ready for Vidcon and at the end of the day we got in the pool.
"Hey guys?" I say and they all look at me. "Thanks for saving me last year, thanks for letting me stay in your house, thanks for helping me." I say and start tearing up. They come in for a group hug and I remember the first time we did.
When Kian and I got back to the house from our trip to the beach Connor was filming his video for his channel since he's not a part of o2l anymore.
I laughed in the background and he said, "OMG everybody we have a guest at the house," he pulled me on screen, "this is one of my really good friends Laina, say hi Laina!"
"Hey everybody!" I said as naturally as possible to the camera. Connor laughed at me and then pushed me off the camera and said "you're basic." then continued with his video.
Me and Kian both went to the kitchen to cook since it was 8:30 and we were both starving.
JC and Lia came in and Lia hugged me and asked how I was doing.
"One thousand percent better, I think I'm going to stay for a while if that's okay with you guys?" I asked everyone.
They all replied yes and hugged me, but the only arms I felt were Kian's around my waist and his head nuzzled into my neck.
I think I'm going to like it here.
I laughed at the memory. And at the goofballs in my arms right now. "it's time for bed now boys. Big day tomorrow." I say and get up to go inside. I turn around in the doorway and look at my best friends "By the way, I'm glad to be back."
I hope you guys enjoyed the flashback from like the 2nd or 3rd chapter from this book. Kinda weird to think of how long I've been writing this book.
Next chapter is VidCon, which is where things get crazy.
Xoxo @totallytesss

In A Matter Of Seconds (o2l)
FanficAn O2L fan fiction about a girl named Laina Scaltes who goes to California in search of deepening love, and ends up finding herself and another family along the way.