Chapter 23

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I grab my bags and board the plane.

There was a awful hole in my chest where I had hoped Kian would come. I hoped he would have showed up and begged for me to stay.

"But he didn't" I whisper to myself as I sit at my window seat.

I sit on the plan looking into the airport window. I half expected to look up and see him there, have our eyes meet. I would run off the plane and we would go back to our normal life. But it was hopeless because as I sat there in his hoodie that still smelled like him and looked out the window hoping I would see him, I did.

I saw him looking at my plane, his fists flat against the window, his brown eyes swelled with tears.

Just the fact that he's there gives me some closure.

I start to stand up and I want to walk off the plane.

But I sit. I see Kian walking away, hands in his hair.

I pull out my phone to text him, and a note falls out. I pick it up and open it.

It has Kian's rushed handwriting scrawled in it.

"Dear Lai,
I love you. I'm sorry. I wanted this all to play out differently, I wanted to hold you in my arms, I wanted you to be with me. But it seems I've messed it up. I've never been happier than I was when I was with you. For months I've been trying to convince myself that we were not meant to be. That my hands were meant to hold someone else's and not stroke your dainty palm, and that my lips were meant to stop someone else's voice in the middle of their sentence. That my finger tips weren't begging to touch your skin, but someone else's. That I was not meant to whisper words of your perfection, but words of someone else's. I tried to convince myself that I was the one that wasn't in love with you. But truthfully, it's the other way around. So I will move on, and you can go home. Never feel obligated to contact me, but I'm here if you need me. You don't need to come back, but my doors are always open for you. I hope you go home and move on, I don't want you to worry about me.
I love you Laina Anne Scaltes.

I was crying. the woman next to me was giving me weird looks. I was a teenage girl with a sloppily written note covered in tears. I had bruises covering my body, I probably look like I just got ran over by a train. But this woman, she put her hand on my hand and held it. Her and I talked for a little. Her name was Marianne. She told me some really wise words.

"Listen sweetie, it's gonna take time. Trust me, I've lived for 80 years! Things take time. Life takes time. You're only 18 and your life is going to go places you never expected. You could go home and become a model or an actress. Life's full of surprises. Let it surprise you."

The plane was about to take off so I texted my mom.

To: Mothership🚀

I'm coming home.


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