Jc and I were sitting in our room. We were fighting, for the 7000 time since Laina left, and he was saying how he wanted to move back to San Antonio to be with his family.
"Jc," I said a little more calm, "you can go if you want to. I can't hold you back, and I know Louis has a branch there that Laina is working with, so its not like management is the problem. Honestly Jc I know we've both been feeling this relationship going downhill a lot recently. It's neither of our faults. I just know that neither of us want to be with each other anymore." I had tears in my eyes and so did Jc.
"I feel the same way." He said looking down and letting a tear fall. "I'm probably going to stay here for a while longer though..." he said awkwardly.
We had come to the decision that we were still friends. We would both still live in the house and we would just be mature about it.
I was so excited for this party. I was wearing a white lace short sleeve crop top and a black skater skirt, that was kind of on the short side but I didn't care, and my white converse. I had my hair straightened and left it down and had some bright red lipstick and smokey eye. I checked myself out and then Derrick came into my room.
"There won't be a prettier girl there sis." he said hugging me and we walked to the car together.
When we pulled up to the party it was kind of strange. I had been to this house for parties before and everyone that was walking into the door I knew. This was going to be a fun little night.
I walked in and was instantly stared at by everyone there. I talked to a lot of my old friends and got caught up on their lives.
I had downed at least 9 shots and 3 beers and was pretty fucking wasted. I saw Lucas. I walked over to him confidently.
"Well look who decided to show up." He said snarkily.
"It's good to be home. I missed you. But mostly I missed these parties." I looked over at him and the second our eyes met I grabbed his face. We stumbled into a bedroom we had been in together before, without removing our mouths from one another. He lay on top of me and forced his tongue into my mouth. His kisses weren't sweet like Sam's and his motions were gentle like Kian's when we hugged, but it was what I needed. He found my old sweet spot that he knew from when we were dating and tried to get a moan out of me. I faked out. He smirked and then continued with undressing me. We were both naked and he slipped on a condom. He didn't do it nice and slow like Connor, but his dick wasn't nearly as big as Connor's. I faked the whole thing. When Lucas was done and had had enough I got up and got dressed and left him to sleep.
"And that's why I never slept with you before now" I whispered stumbling out of the room.
I ran into someone on my way out. It was Drew, one of my old friends.
"Oh my god Laina?" He said looking me up and down.
I nodded and hugged him.
"Damn. The last time I saw you in person Lucas was beating the shit out of me for calling you pretty." he blushed and scratched his arm.
"Haha well me and Lucas have been history for a while." I said sheepishly as Drew directed me out back.
"I know. I watch your YouTube videos, funny as shit man. But why'd you leave Cali? You looked like you were a lot happier there." he asked me as we sat in the grass.
"There were a lot of reasons. I just needed to come home. I never got to experience... well this." I said motioning to the sad excuse of a party that was going on inside.
"But you got so much more."
"Yeah I don't know."
"Listen, why don't I drive you home, and tomorrow I'll pick you at 2 and we can go out and talk a little more?"
Did Drew just ask me out?
I nodded and he directed me to his car, he knew where I lived because of Derrick and when he dropped me off he hugged me quickly and I walked inside.
I looked at the clock, 2 am.
I decided to text Lia. But when I looked at my phone, she had called me like 7 times so I called her back.
When she answered we talked about the party and about her and Jc breaking up. She said she wasn't sad and that she would even be happy if he got a new girlfriend tomorrow. I laughed at her because I knew they were going downhill before they did.
I told her to tell Kian I miss him and then hung up, not wanting her to try and hand him the phone. I realized it was 4am so I went to sleep.
I got up around 11:30 and took a shower. I got out and put on a red baseball style tshirt and some jean shorts with my converse. I clipped my hair back with a red bow and it was 12:30 when I finished.
"Enough time to make a video..." I said to myself and set up my camera.
"Hey hey it's Lailai!"
I finished the video and it was 1:45, I put away my equipment and brushed my teeth one last time before I heard the doorbell ring.
"Hey Drew" I said opening the door, he was holding flowers but looked rather casual.
"You're too sweet." I say putting the flowers in a vase by the door.
We went to a minor league baseball game that Drew's brother was in.
"So Laina, when are you going to start modeling?" Drew asked causing me to blush.
"Haha you're too sweet Drew." I say pecking his cheek. He blushed and that made me blush. Could he really like me that much?
The date went on and it was amazing. Drew was so sweet and gentlemanly and it made me happy to be around someone so sweet.
"I had a great time, Drew." I say as he dropped me off at my house. I tried to get inside as quickly as I could because I didn't want him to kiss me and ruin our perfect date.
"Wait!" He said and pulled me back and smashed his lips into mine.
It was incredibly unappealing. His slight mustache tickled my upper lip and and hands didn't know where to go. He was severely unskilled and his lips were really wet.
"Woah. Best kiss of my life." He said as I practically ran inside.
I ran up into my bathroom and scrubbed my mouth out with a tooth brush and mouthwash and I was about to use bleach when Jennifer walked in.
"LAINA WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING!" She screamed and pulled the Clorox away from me.
"I just had the most disgusting kiss of my life."
"Oh well then here you go." she said and chuckled walking away.
I didn't actually use the bleach but I walked into my room and I texted Sam.
To: Sammy😚
I hate you for being such a good kisser.From: Sammy😚
Haha why do you say that now?To: Sammy😚
I just had the worst kiss of my life and the whole time I was just trying to think of how good you were.We talked for a little while longer before I said I had to go and edit a video.
I did a lot of work for my online schooling and edited the video and posted it.
I scrolled through social media and followed a few fans on Twitter until the #lainascaltesfollowmeplease started trending on Twitter.
I followed 2,000 fans and then Twitter wouldn't let me follow anymore, sadness :(.
I fell asleep pretty pleased with the amount of people I probably made happy tonight.

In A Matter Of Seconds (o2l)
Fiksi PenggemarAn O2L fan fiction about a girl named Laina Scaltes who goes to California in search of deepening love, and ends up finding herself and another family along the way.