I had only listened to one song when Jc slammed the door. I shot up and looked around the room, everyone was here but Jc. Ricky was bright red and Kian was drained of color. I got out of bed and followed Jc out the door.
"Jc?" I screamed down the hallway. I heard the elevator ring and ran towards it, catching him and it at the last second.
"You didn't hear that did you?" He asked and a pink tint started to creep on to his cheeks.
"No I just heard the door slam." I said and looked down at my feet.
"Wanna go take a walk on the beach?" He asked and I looked up at him, he had hopeful eyes and i nodded as we exited the elevator.
We walked out of the back of the hotel that opened onto a private beach. I took a deep breath in, appreciating the different smell than the smell of California air.
"Are you happy that I found you?" Jc said out of no where.
"Of course I am Jc. You guys saved my life. If it wasn't for you all I would be back home, probably back with Lucas, being beaten and cutting myself. You guys really helped me a lot. I couldn't ask for better friends." I say and he put his arm around me.
I soaked in this moment, Florida air, Jc's arm around me, his height only about 8 inches taller than me but still a good amount, and his hair flowing free out of a beanie or snapback which I wasn't used to.
It was around 4, so Jc and I decided to turn back around after realizing we had walked for an hour.
By the time we got back the boys had made reservations for us 7 at a restaurant and told us to meet them out front. We walked to the front of the hotel and I greeted everyone and we hopped into a large cab and were driven to an in n out.
"I thought you said reservations?" I asked.
"I lied." Sam said and we all laughed.
We all went in and ordered, when I sat at the booth I noticed there were like 200 people outside the restaurant being held back by all of our security.
"I love our fans but for real they are crazy." Trevor said while taking a huge bite of his burger. We all nodded our heads in agreement, too involved in our food to carry a real conversation.
We finished and went back to the hotel, it was 8pm and I was dead tired. When I entered the room I changed into shorts, a sports bra and a camisole. I threw my mass of hair into a bun and crawled under the covers. The instant my head hit the pillow I started dreaming.
The boys and I were a few steps behind Laina since she was practically running to the room. We were talking about the day we had and Jc was being kinda quiet. I blew it off, considering he didn't look unhappy, actually the opposite.
When we got to the room Laina was dead asleep. We all laughed and snapped a few pictures, and then I snuck in next to her, and Sam on the other side. I put an arm around her and she snuggles into me, making me smile.
It was 5am when I left my room to go find Laina and the O2L boys. We have the same 6am flight to North Carolina this morning so I decided to go with them.
I knock on their door and hear the boys race to get it, when the doors open, Trevor stands at the door and all the other boys are on the floor in a pile.
"Cam!" They said in a hushed voice.
"Hey guys, where's Laina?" I ask looking around not seeing her.
"She's still asleep." Ricky said pointing to the bed.
I look in the bed and see a sleeping peaceful Laina. I crawl in next to her and the second I get in the bed she snuggles herself into my chest. "Cammy..." she mumbles gripping onto my shirt and pulling me closer.
"Hey Littles, it's time to wake up now baby." I say in her ear. She shakes her head stubbornly and I look to the boys, they all take out their phones and start taking pictures, I smile and I hold her and she smiles slightly in her sleep. She realized they're taking pictures of her and her eyes shoot open.
"NO PICTURES." She yells and all the boys hide their phones. Her phone lights up with a Twitter notification and so does mine, Trevor tagged us in a post with the cutest picture of Laina and I that I've ever seen.
"Treeeeeeeeeeeevor." Laina whines. Trevor just laughs at her and she gets up and pulls an outfit out of her bag.
All the boys and I wrestle and make conversation until Laina comes out of the bathroom.
She's wearing a tight white muscle with a low neck line with a red lace bandeau. She paired it with some very ripped up skinny jeans and white combat boots. I smiled at her and she smiled back, walking towards me and sitting on my lap.
"Alright so we should get going to get the the airport?" Ricky said and we all head downstairs to the car that drove us to the airport. We shoved our luggage in the trunk and played the rainbow car game to pass the 15 minute car ride to the airport.
We went through security and got on the plane, our seats were scattered across the plane and Laina was sitting next to Ricky, while I sat next to Kian. I breathe deeply, waiting for the flight to start.
"This is your captain speaking, our flight is approximated 2 hours and 30 minutes before we land is North Carolina, enjoy your flight." the Captain said over the intercom as we lifted in the air.
"So Cam, how long have you and Laina know each other?" Kian asks, trying to make small talk.
"Since we were 8. We met when I lived in San Antonio for like 3 months before my mom and I moved back to New York. We kept in touch and I visited her all the time, for like 5 years until I really got into vining."
"That's cool, did you guys ever have a thing?" He asked nervously, looking at me out of the corner of his eye.
"Besides the one we had a few months ago, no we didn't. She didn't like long distance, said it was unhealthy for her, she still hates it. She hated being alone and that's why I always hated leaving her, something happened after we stopped talking and she started hating being around people, and nowadays, she seems almost more happy when she's not around people." Kian nods in agreement. I sigh deeply thinking about her and all the shit that we went through together. Kian and I spent a while talking to each other about a lot of things, and we planned to make a video together. We also ended up talking about Andrea, which he quickly ended the conversation about.
By the end of the flight I knew more about Kian than I ever wanted to.

In A Matter Of Seconds (o2l)
FanficAn O2L fan fiction about a girl named Laina Scaltes who goes to California in search of deepening love, and ends up finding herself and another family along the way.