Chapter 14

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Laina hasn't moved for four hours now. I don't know what happened and she's just staring at the ceiling laying on the couch.

I get a text from Sam

From: Sammy Bammy Boom Boy🙉💩

Hey Kian, I'm coming over now, how's Lai?

To: Sammy Bammy Boom Boy🙉💩

Um I don't know what happened, but after watching your video she started staring at the ceiling and hasn't moved in 4 hours

Sam obviously sped all the way here because he was at the house within 5 minutes of my text, and he basically broke down the door when he came in.

"Laina?" he said when he saw her. she flinched at his voice and turned her head to look at him and give a weak smile as I saw her eyes fill with tears.

A single tear escaped her eye and Sam wiped it away but then they continued to come faster and faster.

"Sam I'm sorry." She said something like that through sobs and tears and she threw her arms around her neck and her legs around his waist and buried her head in his neck.

"Laina, baby, what's wrong?" He said soothingly into her ear.

"After I watched your video," she breathes deeply, "I realized, I don't-" he cuts her off by standing up and ripping her arms off of him. she crashes onto the couch and rubs her arms where he grabbed her.

He paces back and forth and when he looks at her again, he walks over to her and hugs her.

"Thank you for telling me, I'm gonna go home." he let's go of the hug and she pulls for a kiss and he just walks away. He walks out the door and slams it so hard the whole house shakes.

"Lai, wanna go in the pool?" I ask her as I rub her back.

"Yes!!" she yells and runs up to our room to get changed.



I just get into my car and start driving, I can't keep doing this. Why am I trying to force her to love me?

I need to decide what to do.

I need to take a break from her. But she's the girl I love.

I'm just going to have to be with her, without love.

I can manage that, I need her to feel safe with me. I just want us to cool it for a while, be a normal couple. I mean her birthday is in May so we will do something really special.

She will love me in time.



"Katie where did I put my wallet?" I asked my beautiful girlfriend as we were walking out the door.

She was so adorable when she looked left looked right and then looked right in my eyes but her lip and shrugged her shoulders.

I laughed at her and kissed her on the forehead before grabbing my wallet off the couch and heading to the car.

We had my iPhone plugged in and we were singing along to all my songs and laughing at each other as we both sung horribly, even though we are both pretty good singers.

We pulled up to my house and I grab our bags out of the trunk, Katie's hand tensed in mine as my mom ran out of the house, "TREVYYYY!!" My mom yelled and ran to hug me. She ruffled my hair and kissed me on the cheek before wrapping Katie in an embrace she was not prepared for. "You must be the famous Katie all my phone calls are filled with!"

Katie raised one eyebrow at me and chuckled, "yeah I guess I am." she said in a peppy voice.

"MOOOM!" I whine at her and blush. Katie and my mom just laugh at me.

I get a text from Sam.

From: Sam Dabooty🚂

Be safe, I left you a present in your suitcase😉

What could that possibly mean? I go upstairs and lead Katie to the room we are staying in together, "Katie Kat could you open my suitcase and see the surprise Sam left me?" I say while I plug my phone in and open Instagram. I hear a zip and then she breaks out into laughter.

I turn and see at least 50 condoms fall out of my suitcase. We are both laughing hysterically as Katie and I both blow them up and hit each other in the face with them.

"Haha Trev!" she yelled at me while I hit her, "I love you, stupid." she said through laughs.

"Katie, did you just say you love me?"

She was blushing and breathing heavily, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I cut her off with a passionate kiss.

"I love you too, goofball."



"Hey Lai!" Kian yells from our bedroom.

"Yeah KiKi?" I say walking up the stairs and cursing as I trip up the top one like I always do.

I walk in the room and Kian, Lia, JC, Ricky, and Sam were all staring at the computer screen.

Sam walks over to me and puts his hands on my waist as he guides me to the screen which had a picture of a beautiful, huge house on it.

"What do you think?" Sam whispered in my ear.

"It's beautiful, why?"

"BECAUSE WE ARE MOVING INTO IT!!" Ricky screamed with a duck face and snap.

"NO WAY!!" I squeal and hug Sam and jump up and down. After calming down they give me the address and it's just 15 minutes from here so I would still be going to my school until I graduate in 3 months.

"Why are we moving?" I ask looking at everyone.

Lia looks back and forth between all the guys and she says, "well, that's closer to AwesomenessTV, were we ALL will be working after you graduate." she smirked and we hugged each other tightly as tears rolled down my cheek.

"I can't believe this. You guys are the best friends I could ever have." I say through tears.

"We love you too Lai." Kian says as we all group hug.

"Let's get packing!" JC says when we all release the right embrace.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow babe." Sam kissed my head and left.

"Wait, Ki?" I said nervously as everyone else had left the room, "am I still going to have my bed partner?" I said with sad puppy eyes.

"Sadly, Sam's one requirement was that you would have your own room," he said and my face dropped, "but, you can always come into my room." he said with a smile and pulled me into a hug.

I didn't know how long Kian and I stood in that position hugging, but it felt right, my arms the perfect length for my fingers to lace around his neck, his chin resting on my head, my body filling in his, his arms tightly secured around my waist, right above my butt.

"Laina?" he said nervously. He never used my first name, what could he need?

"Yeah Ki bear?"

"Can- it's nothing." he said letting out a huge breath and then I realized that his heart was beating extremely fast.

"You sure?" I say and pull my head back to look in his eyes.

His perfect brown eyes that when I look into them I swear I can see love and happiness rotating in perfect harmony, but right now I just see desire.

"Yeah, Sam would kill me." he said pulling away and going downstairs to get boxes.

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