Chapter 41

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I woke up in my uncomfortable hospital bed and groan, and I remember that Sam's coming at 12 today. I pick up my phone and look at the time, 11.

I sigh and get out of bed, picking up the bag of clothes that Sam gave me yesterday, and heading into the bathroom.

I close the door and look in the mirror and jump at my reflection. My eyes had the biggest, darkest circles under them I've ever seen. My hair was a rat's nest from being in the bandages up until yesterday. I gladly didn't have to get stitches, only 2 staples. The hospital robe looked awful on me and I look it off as quickly as I could. When I did, I noticed how different my body looked from how I remembered. My hips and boobs were bigger than I remember, but then again I only remember things from 9 months ago. My ribs were completely exposed, probably because I haven't eaten proper food since I've been in the hospital for a week. My hair was extremely long to the point where it made me proud that I could grow hair this long. I quickly opened the bag and threw on the sweater and leggings Sam had brought for me. I struggled a little getting the oversized creme sweater over the cast on my right arm because the cast was so big. I looked in the mirror, it looked like something I would wear, but I don't remember buying it.

I reached in the bag and found a hairbrush. I gently and carefully brushed through my hair which took forever. And I prayed Sam had put makeup in the bag.

I found mascara and cover up "thank you Sammy." I said under my breath and put the coverup on my dark circles and put on as much mascara as I could. I was actually satisfied with how I looked and decided it was good enough for Sam.

I looked at my phone, 12:02 and I grabbed all my things. But before I opened the door I looked down at my bruised and swollen wrist and sighed looking at the finger shaped marks. If Sam had been going to anger management since March then how did this happen? I shook those thoughts out of my head and left my hospital room. I look around and see Carla, my nurse, talking to Sam at the receptionist desk.

He sees me and practically runs to my side. I can't help but smile ear to ear when he lifts me up and spins me around.

"Sammy I missed you." I whisper in his ear wrapping my arms tightly around her neck.

"I missed you more Lai." He said and kissed my nose then set me down.

"Okay so can we get out of here now or..." I said shyly to Sam.

"I have never seen you so shy before Lai." He said chuckling and putting his arm around me and directing me to the car.

"Hey Sam?" I say when I get into the car and buckle myself in.

"Yes baby?" He said putting the key in the car and starting to drive.

"I'm really hungry." I say and my stomach erupts in growls.

"Haha we can go get some food, want Taco Bell?" He asked while grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Sounds perfect." I say and he pulls into the nearest Taco Bell.

We get out of the car and he opens the door for me and the grabs my waist as we walk in together.

We order our food and sit down at a table together.

"Hey Sam?" I ask.

"Yes baby?" He says with a mouthful of food.

"What are our friends like?" It felt weird to ask that question, not knowing your own friends was weird.

"Okay hand me your phone." he said and wiped his hands on his pants.

"I don't remember the password." I say as I hand him the phone.

"Oh it's 6204" he said and unlocked my phone. Why couldn't I remember it? I thought the doctor said I could remember things that i want. And trust me, I want to remember my phone code.

After I was consumed in my thoughts Sam handed me the phone with a picture illuminating the screen.

"Who are these people, and since when do I wear stuff like that?" I say and raise my eyes brows at my dress.

"Laina, these are the O2L boys, and that's like something normal you wear." They didn't look remotely familiar and I fought back tears as Sam introduced them from left to right, "on the end is Trevor, then Ricky then Jc, you in the middle, then Kian, Connor, and me." I looked down the line and flipped through my camera roll, memorizing the faces and names of all the people in the pictures. The one Sam said was Ki something, Kian? Well I have A LOT of pictures with him from like hundreds of different occasions. My home screen is a really adorable picture of us.

"Sam was I dating Kian?" I ask and Sam chuckles and shakes his head.

"No you most certainly were not." He said matter-of-factly.

"I literally have no memory of any of these people." I say under my breath and try to hold back tears.

"Are you ready to meet them?" Sam says quietly to me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I huff and Sam and I get in the car, headed to a place I don't remember but used to call home.


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