Chapter 50

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"Boooooooooooooooooys" I screech through the intercom, "its 4:30 we gotta get to the airport in 30 minutes." I earn a couple of okays through the intercom, we really had to leave in 30 minutes and be there in an hour, but with these boys I know we're gonna be late.

I put my phone in the dock and I play Jacob Whitesides new EP, A Piece of Me. I start jamming out to Ohio as I get ready. I put on some grey sweatpants shorts (yes they're a real thing I just don't know the actual name) and a white camisole with my maroon cardigan from Aeropostale. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and grab my suitcases and carry on and walk out of my room.

"BOOOOOOYS COME ON." I scream, checking the time on my phone which is 4:25 am.

As the boys lazily trudge down the stairs I get a text from Cameron.

From: Cammy Wammy😍

Hey Lai, I can't wait to see you in Orlando! Yes I'll be there 😏

I squeal with excitement. I hadn't seen Cam in over a month and I missed him a lot.

To: Cammy Wammy😍

Is Hamilton gonna be there too?

From: Cammy Wammy😍

Yes, Nash will be there too.

I laugh at Cam and put my phone in the waistband of my pants.

"Who ya texting Lai?" Trevor asks me, I reach up to put my hand on his shoulder since he's a good 5 inches taller than me.

"Just Cameron." I say blandly and he shakes my arm off his shoulder. We pick up our luggage and put it in the car along with all the other guys stuff.

"Are y'all ready?" Ricky screams from the front seat. There's a chorus of moans and I scream "YAAAAAAS RICKY." causing the others to flinch.

I'm sitting in the back in between Kian and Jc, Sam and Trevor are sitting in front of us and Connor and Ricky are in the very front arguing about what radio station to play.

I look to Kian, he's sleeping and his mouth is partly opened, his lips making me melt, and his nose ring shining on his nose, his eyes flutter a little because he's dreaming, and his caterpillar eyebrows are drawn in. His earring rattles around since the roads are a bit bumpy. His Nirvana tank top rides up a bit and I can see his briefs from underneath his khaki shorts. His hand sits on my thigh, holding it slightly.

I sighed and turn to Jc. He's sleeping too, his beanie and hair just above his eyes that are sealed shut. His mouth moves slightly when he breathes and his nose crinkles ever so slightly every once in a while. He's wearing sweatpants that look AMAZING on him and an O2L tee. His hand is laying on his leg up turned, like he's waiting for someone to hold it.

I sighed again and try to look forward and not pay attention to either of the boys next to me. I take out my phone and go on Instagram.

"Sammy." I said and Sam turned around to look at me. "Will you take a picture for me?" He says yes and pose for the picture. I put my hands under my chin and set my elbows on my legs, Sam takes the picture, "you look so adorable Lai." he whispers, hoping that I couldn't hear.

I post the picture, @whatlainalikes: my favorite boys fell asleep😴 I'll be doing follow sprees to anyone who tweets/posts an entertaining picture or suggestion on what to do to #lainatoorlando 😊

And with that I opened Twitter and tweeted the same thing. My Twitter and Instagram notifications were blowing up, I was looking through the hashtag on Instagram and liking and following people who were posting with it. I had only liked about 20 posts when we arrived at the airport.



I woke up to Laina violently shaking me telling me we're at the airport.

"Laina stop you look like a deranged gopher when you do that." I say and her expression changes to extremely upset. I laugh at her and she elbows me in the rib cage.

I walk to the back of the car and get out the suitcases that we brought, mine and Laina's, before walking towards security.

We went through security, got bombarded by fans, and struggled to find a secure place to sit in the airport.

Sam, Ricky, and Trevor were filming Public Disturbance videos and I sat next to Laina who was pooped after trying to organize us boys all morning.

"Flight 345 to Orlando, Florida is now boarding." A lady over the intercom said. We all stood up and boarded the plane, we got seats relatively close to each other in first class, we sat like this,

Kian Laina Me
Trevor Ricky Sam

We felt bad because Connor had to sit alone, but he said he didn't mind because he could sleep better without us "ruffians" annoying him, whatever that means.

"Laina you look like you're about to die of exhaustion, go to sleep." I say and chuckle, Laina sitting next to me with her eyes fluttering closed every second and her face flushed of color.

Laina laid back in her chair and let sleep take over her body, and during some part of her slumber she ended up leaning on Kian and snuggling into his side. My blood boiled with envy, but I remembered that Andrea just told Kian that her cousins wedding was rescheduled so she's coming to TeenHoot. This information helped me keep a cool head and I went to sleep myself.




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