Chapter 49

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Kian looked at me with wide eyes and I just enveloped him in a hug. His arms hesitantly wrapped around me. "You remember." He said and put a hand firmly in my hair and another on my waist and embraced me for a long time.

"Guys!" Kian yelled, "Guys it's really important come here!" All of the sudden, Connor, Jc, Trevor, Sam, and Ricky appeared at the door.

"I remember guys! I remember everything!" I was in tears and they all but Sam screamed in happiness and tackled me. We were all in a pile on the couch smiling and enjoying each other. I breathed in the mixture of all their colognes. I sighed and just squeezed them harder. "I love you all so much." I said and the Joker came over and started barking like crazy.

We all laughed and the guys let me go and I looked at each of them, smiling widely at them. "This is so great." I said and sighed happily. That night we set bean bags, pillows, and blankets out on the game room floor and slept all 7 of us together.

It felt like it did that first group hug, everyone's arms and legs all over everyone else, but the only thing I could feel was Kian's arms and legs, surrounding my small figure with his large one.



I woke up in a mass of arms and legs. Trevor, Connor, and Ricky were up and on their phones, while Laina, Sam, and Jc still slept. I looked at Laina who was laying relatively close to me and smiled.

"You love her don't you?" Ricky said quietly.

I nodded and sighed, keeping the same small smile on my lips.

Soon enough we all grew bored of our phones and wanted to mess with the sleeping beauties.

"Alright, I say we just dump cold water on them." Ricky said.

"I think we put fake bugs on them." Trevor said and laughed.

"Why don't we dump cold water filled with fake bugs on them?" Connor said and we all agreed. Laina was going to get so mad and we were all so excited.

On the count of three, Jc, Connor, and I each dumped one bucket of water on each person and Trevor filmed. Laina was the first up, she looked straight at me with anger in her eyes, and then screamed when she saw the bugs, she jumped up and chased me to my room.

I heard the other boys yelling as Laina chased me up the stairs. I was laughing and she kept saying, "KIAN ROBERT LAWLEY." When we got to my room she tackled me on to my bed.

"I hate you." she said from above me.

"You love me." I say and smile widely at her.

"You stink." She said and stuck her tongue out.



It was two days before TeenHoot and I was packing all my clothes. Ever since I regained my memory Kian had been avoiding me which was worrying me. I would have expected him to be the exact opposite. I sighed and held Button in my hands, her stubby legs pointed upwards as I pet her belly. "Oh Button, why is everything so complicated." I sigh and put her in her bed on the floor. I lay back on my bed, finally done packing for the week of TeenHoot and hear a knock on my door. "If you don't have food I don't want to see you." I said not looking towards the door.

"Lucky for you, I have grapes." Jc says joining me on my bed.

"Hey Justin." I say and pop a grape into my mouth.

"How have you been lately beauty." He asks propping himself up on one arm.

"I don't know, I haven't gone out much, haven't done anything." I say and shrug slightly.

"Laina I think you're probably one of the most mature 18 year olds I've ever met. And I think you've matured so much since you came here over a year ago, can you believe that? Lia and I found you in that airport over a year ago." He says and I see his eyes well with tears.

"Do you miss her Jc?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know if I miss her so much as the idea of her. She gave me something to be proud to be. Yeah YouTube is something I can be proud of, but being responsible for her, knowing all her little buttons that I could push, just knowing everything about her and treating her right, it was different. It gave me a purpose."

I watched him talk about how he felt when he did something that made her happy and I couldn't help but smile at how he talked. He had so much passion in just talking about making her happy. Even if he wouldn't admit it, he wasn't over her, which made me feel awful because Lia told me that she has a new boyfriend that she's keeping on the low.

"I love you Justin." I say and kiss the tip of his nose.

"So are you excited for TeenHoot?" He asked while grabbing my TeenHoot pass and airplane tickets. I was glad that O2L and I were only going on the U.S. portion of the tour, since I just regained my memory and everything.

"I'm extremely excited. How could I not be excited about meeting all my Lainapops?" I asked and he nodded in agreement about his clouds.

"Just know that I'll always be here for you no matter what Laina." he said and engulfed me into a hug. i cautiously hugged back, kind of confused as to what he meant by that.



I felt so bad for Laina. Kian's ignoring her so he can spend time with Andrea until TeenHoot, when he's going to break up with her.

I get so mad at Kian when he hurts Laina like this because she has absolutely no idea what's going on and Kian gets two girls at the same time.

I hate that all the other guys and I agreed to cover Kian's ass. He's hurting Laina and we are just standing doing nothing.

I thought I was going to eventually get my chance with the beautiful Laina Anne Scaltes, but if Kian can keep up this charade, I'm not so sure.


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