Chapter 10

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"Um Laina I'm gonna go, it's been great seeing you." Isa said and hugged me and walked past Lucas.

"Laina Baby!!" Lucas said running towards her to hug her. he stops when Lai looks down at the ground and half steps behind me. "Hi, I'm Lucas, Laina's boyfriend-"

"Ex boyfriend." Lai said in a harsh voice that made the boy jump.

"Laina what happened in California, it was a mistake," he tried to touch her but she snapped her arm back, "I've been spending so much time here waiting for you to come home so we can make up. Lindsey invited me here after she found out you were coming home."

Lai shot the death glare to Lindsey and Lindsey just crossed her arms and grinned evilly. What the actual fuck? What sister does that?

"Look Lucas, I don't live here anymore. I live in California. I don't know why you're here, but leave." she said and ran upstairs bawling. I wanted to run up after her, but I wanted to talk to Lucas.

"Just give her a moment Lucas, let's go talk." I say and he follows me outside on the porch.

"I'm Kian, by the way. One of Lai's best friends." I say to him while we both took seats on the stairs outside her house.

"Lai? Oh Laina. Well how has she been?" he said nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

"She only cries sometimes now. You really fucked her up. I've been trying to put her back together for two months now. Honestly, if you love her, I would suggest leaving her to be happy. She really doesn't need any more sadness in her life." I said and put a hand on his shoulder.

He sighed and looked at me, "Kian have you gotten a chance to hold her in your arms before?"

That was a random question.

"Have you gotten the chance to call her beautiful and princess and babe and mine? Have you gotten the chance to feel electricity when you kiss her? Because I have. And boy I'm not willing to give that up." He said with a sad chuckle

"Look Lucas-" I start to get frustrated with his persistence and I'm cut off by Derrick, one of Lai's brothers.

"Lucas leave. Now. She started cutting again because of you get out of here." Derrick said and basically threw Lucas into his car.

"What? She cut?" I say so confused and worried.

"Go see her. She needs you." Derrick says as I was already running up to her room.

"Lai! I yell and hold her as she's crying with blood running down her wrists.

"I'm sorry KiKi. I need you to call the hospital please." she said with a weak laugh as I call 911.

"You can't leave my side please." she said as we got into the ambulance.

"Of course he won't." The medical worker in the car says and smiles at me.

It was going to be a long night.




I wake up to bright lights and beeps and Kian asleep in a chair next to my bed.

"Ki?" I say weakly and he woke up immediately and kissed my hand I had reached out for him.

"I'm here Lai. I'm here what do you need baby?" he said in a soothing tone which made me happier.

"I'm sorry Ki. I didn't mean to fuck up everything. we go home tomorrow, let's make today happy." I say with a smile.

His face lights up as the doctor let's me leave the hospital and Kian and I go home.

In the car Ki turns off the radio as I was singing to "All About Us" by he is we.

"Hey!" I say with a laugh.

"Why did you tell that flight attendant we're dating?" he said in a nervous and shy tone, I've only heard it one other time, when he talks about Andrea.

"Oh... I was just having a little fun haha." I said and turn on the radio.

"That's what I thought." Kian said in a mumble and looked disappointedly at the road.

"Okay so what are we doing today? We could go sight seeing, we could go to the mall, we could stay home and chill, anything." I say enthusiastically.

"Let's make a vlog and do ALL of that!" he said just as enthusiastically back.

"YES PLEASE!" I practically scream at him.




"And now we're back in Lai's room after that very eventful day, and that's all for today, have anything to say Lai?" I say into the camera as I jump on her on the bed.

"All I have to say is someone please help get this fat ass off me, and I love all of you beautiful people, KiKi and LaiLai out!" and with that I turn off the camera and Lai pushes me off of her.

"Haha okay it's time to sleep." I say and grab pajamas to change into, it was only basketball shorts but I quickly change into them. I turn around and Lai is in just a light pink lace bra and a thong. Oh fuck her body is beautiful. Her perfect waist dips in just to flow out into her perfectly wide hips. and her legs are perfectly muscle that flow into her calfs that connect to her feet. I turn around as she pulls on shorts and tank top to sleep in.

"Good night Keeny Bikini." She says and turns off the light.

Within minutes she's asleep, while I'm up for hours thinking about Lucas said, about holding her, and kissing her. I need it, I crave it, she should be mine.



I wake up at 12 and Kian's not there. I get up and while walking down the stairs I hear my brothers and Kian laughing in the kitchen.

"But actually Kian, how are you two not dating yet?" Chris laughs the words out.

"She's with Sam and I respect him." Kian says seriously.

Wait, does Kian want to be with me? Haha no he doesn't. Not after he had the perfect Andrea Russet. Anyway I have Sam.

"HEEEEEEY EVERYONE." I scream and run into the kitchen and Kian turns red.

"Hey Lai, we leave at 3 start packing anything you and Joker need." he says to me.

"Laina I'm going to miss having you to pick on." Derrick says and grabs under my arm pits.

"No, Chris don't you dare." I say knowing their plan.

"Derrick you're right she's just so fun to throw around." Chris says picking up my feet.

"GUYS DON'T!!" I say and they run towards the pool in our backyard and launch me in while I scream. I pop back up and give them all the death stare, including Kian who's cracking up with them.

"I hate you all I say after drying off." it's 1:30 and it takes 30 minutes to get to the airport. Kian and I say our goodbyes and we head to the airport with Joker in my arms. He's still so small even though he's a golden retriever and they grow pretty fast.



"Kian, I hate airplanes." I say as I hold my body close to his.

"Don't worry, you'll see Sam soon enough." he said and smiled down at me.

We got on the plane and I slept on Kian.

He shook me awake when we were landing.

I ran off the plane and into Sam's arms. I jumped up and pushed my lips against his and felt the lightning again.

"I missed you." Sam said into my ear breathlessly.

"Let's go get Joker." I say and we walk hand in hand to pick him up.

My life was finally moving in orbit again, and one week left until school. Honestly it couldn't get better.

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