Chapter 29

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Braylyn's POV
I woke up from another nightmare. Another nightmare.

It never ends. The nightmares never go away. Harry says that they will when I'll learn to stop thinking about the accident, but still, they just keep happening.

I decided I needed some fresh air to be alone and breathe.

I tried moving out of Harry and Louis's bed to see that Harry has his arms wrapped around me tightly. He's cuddling me as if I were a teddy bear.

I tried moving out of Harry's hold but failed.

"Harry," I whispered. No response.

"Harry," I tried again. Still, no response.

"Harry," I repeated and squirmed around in his arms.

"Hmmm?" He finally responded back sleepy.

"Can you please unwrap your arms around me?" I quietly asked him.

I didn't get a response. I looked over to see Harry was sleeping again.

"Harry," I said a little louder this time.

"What is it huggy?" Harry asked in a deep voice.

"Can you please remove your arms from around me?" I asked him.

"Why? Is something wrong kitten?" Harry now opened his eyes and looked at me concerned.

"No, it's just that—," I started to say.

"Oh. Okay then. Go back to sleep baby," Harry kissed me and closed his eyes again.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I finally lied.

"Alright darling. Go ahead," Harry spoke tiredly and loosened his hold from around me.

I freed myself out of Harry's arms and climbed out of the bed.

I put my slippers and robe on. I then carefully walked to the slide door and opened it ajar. I slipped through the little opening and let the breeze hit my body.

I stared out at the night sky. The moon was lit and beaming over the ocean.

I gazed at the stars over my head. I can't imagine counting them. Being a star, I would be one out of infinity.

But I'm just a human on this earth. Unlike the stars, the amount of people on this earth can be counted. There's about 7.8 billion people on this earth.

It's crazy to think I'm one out of 7.8 billion people. In fact, it actually terrifies me, thinking about that.

Honestly, stars are cool. It doesn't matter if I would be one out of infinity.

If I were a star, I would have no limits. No one would could tell me what to do. I wouldn't have any fears. It would just be me shining brightly in the sky. I would be free. Just free.

The question is: what's freedom, and do I have it here?

I continued looking at the stars and mentally naming the variety of constellations. I think that I'm like the Big Dipper, and Zoey is like the Little Dipper.

A few minutes later, I stepped back into the room and closed the slide door. I took my robe and slippers off.

I quietly walked back over to the hotel bed. I then carefully climbed in and placed myself back in Harry and Louis's arms.

I went to sleep, questioning about my freedom.

"Braylyn, wake up love," I felt Harry and Louis shaking me.

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