Chapter 34

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Braylyn's POV
The boys woke me up just like any other day, but something seems off. It's like they're hiding something from me.

After getting ready for the day, I went downstairs and to the kitchen.

"Guys, where's Zoey?!l I asked panicky.

"Relax, babe. Her friend invited her to breakfast before going to school," Liam told me.

"She'll be gone for the next two days, because her class is going on a field trip," Niall added.

"You guys have met the parents of Zoey's friend, right?" I asked them unassured.

"Of course we have. They're great people," Louis said.

"Okay," I began to eat the cereal Zayn placed in front of me.

The boys joined me and started eating.

Once I finished eating, I went upstairs and quickly brushed my teeth. I then grabbed my backpack and went back downstairs.

"I'm ready guys," I told the boys.

"Braylyn, you're not going to school today," Zayn took my backpack off of me.

"What?" I asked confused.

The boys all looked at each other, waiting for one of them to answer.

"Guys?" I questioned.

"Princess....uhh...?" Niall looked for back up.

"Spit it out," I became nervous.

"Umm.....Louis you tell her," Niall stepped back.

"Bray......uh...Harry has something to tell you," Louis pushed Harry forward.

"Why me?! You're her legal guardian," Harry tried stepping back.

"You're her legal guardian as well, so you tell her," Louis pushed Harry forward again.

"Tell me guys!" I became more scared.

"Someone give her a pill first," Liam spoke up.

This isn't good. Fuck those pills.

"Braylyn, take this," Harry held out a pill and a water bottle.

"No! For once, just straight out tell me the news. We all know that I'm going to freak out either way," I pushed his hand away from me.

"Fine," Harry sighed.

I mentally glared at him. Does he want me to take pills?

"Guys, we have to go now," Zayn looked at his watch and informed us.

"Come on Braylyn," Louis grabbed my hand.

"Where're we going?!" I asked panicky as we walked outside.

"We'll tell you in a minute. Just get inside," Niall opened the car door for me.

"But y'all—," I was cut off by Louis pushing me into the car and buckling me in a seat.

I literally feel like I'm being kidnapped. And the boys wonder why I have trust issues. Hint hint.

Liam started driving.

"Where the hell are we going?!" I asked scared and annoyed.

"Language, Braylyn!" The boys all gave me stern looks except for Liam who was focusing on the road.

"Tell me where we're going!" I shouted at them.

"Braylyn, we're taking you to a psychologist," Zayn announced.

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