Chapter 75

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Braylyn's POV
"Braylyn, wake up." My usual morning routine began with Niall and Zayn shaking me awake. I just wish my day could start with me not ever waking up. It would be nice to sleep for a whole day and nobody disturb me. I'm just an individual who likes to be left alone, but the boys haven't picked up on that yet; therefore, they're always bothering me.

"Come on. You have school," Niall stated as I felt his hands shake me harder.

"Like I care," I mumbled in return and rolled onto my opposite side. I let myself relax in my sheets and clutched Ripples, Phee, and Ollie tighter. Forget going to the beach. My bed is my relaxation. Sadly, my peace was disrupted once again by the sound of Zayn's voice.

"Don't you want to at least see Tyler?" Zayn questioned.

I immediately realized what he was doing. "Sure, I do, but I'm not an idiot. I know you're pulling the "Tyler" card only to persuade me to get out of bed," I explained in a tired tone and let out another yawn. I finally opened my eyes to look into his pupils.

"So what if I am? What does that mean to you?" Zayn asked, staring back at me.

"It's not going to work," I responded bluntly and flopped my head into my pillow, shutting my eyes. It's not that I have a problem waking up. It's just I don't like getting up and getting ready for the day that's set ahead of me.

"Don't make us get Louis and Harry to come up here. You wouldn't want them to handle you, would you?" Niall now attempted to be threatening, but I mentally grinned to myself, knowing best that he can't ever be nor sound scary.

"In the words of Lumiere, "be my guest"," I sassed, keeping my face in my pillow. I listened to the sound of Niall's and Zayn's footsteps as they exited my room and traveled down the wooden stairs. I let myself relax for a few more minutes, until I heard my dads walk in. I'm going to continue standing my ground. After all, my sleep is important.

"Kitten, come on. Wake up," Harry began shaking me roughly.

"Daddy, stoppppp," I whined a little, not liking his aggressive action. I would hit him, but I know it would piss him off, and I'll receive some sort of punishment that I don't even want to bother finding out what it would be. Oh well, I'm not going to bear the consequences.

"Braaaylynnn, it's time to get upppppp," Harry only mocked me as he continued to shake me.

"Darling, you have school. Get up, now," Louis instructed, but I began humming to tune him out.

"Nice try, Bray, but that's not going to work. You best get out of bed, now, young lady," Harry made an attempt to sound stern, but even I know, he can't. I mean, he can but not always with me. He's just sensitive with me. Then again, he's always been the stricter and more authoritative parent.

"Why can't I skip school for one day? That's all," I questioned and rolled onto my other side.

"Because school is mandatory and you need an education. You can learn about maths, science, and all kinds of stuff," Louis stated and pulled my bed sheets off me, allowing the cold air to hit my bare legs.

"Come on, Dad! It's cold!" I complained and tried pulling my sheets back over me, but he instantly grabbed them again. I decided to just let it be and continued laying in my pillow. "Besides, y'all didn't even finish school."

"Quit being stubborn, love, and get ready, now," Harry demanded.

"School can fuck itself without me there," I mumbled.

"Braylyn, watch your language!" My dads scolded me, but they should know by now that I'm never going to quit cussing. It's who I am.

I heard Harry whisper to Louis, "You see that water glass? Pour it on her. It'll definitely get her up. Haha."

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