Chapter 67

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Braylyn's POV
My eyes flickered open as the sun shined through my bedroom curtains. I rolled over onto my side and glanced at my clock: 1:03 p.m. I sighed and stretched my body. I guess it's time to get up.

Today is Friday, and fortunately, Zoey and I don't have school. The teachers are having a staff meeting or whatever.

I got out of bed and exited my room. I made my way downstairs and to the living room.

"Hey darling," Liam noticed me first.

"Hi." I sat down next to him on the couch. "What are you guys up to?"

"Just sitting down and chilling while Harry is preparing lunch," Zayn informed me.

"Where's Zoey?" I looked around to see she's not present in the room.

"She's assisting Harry," Louis said.

My eyes focused on the TV to see some Western movie taking place. Suddenly, the sound of gunshot went off, making me jump and cling to Zayn.

"If you're scared, love, then you can change the channel." Liam handed me the remote.

I sighed in relief and changed the channel to Disney Channel. Luckily, Jessie was on.

My joy was cut short when Harry hollered, "it's ready!"

"Oh thank goodness!" Niall ran all the way downstairs and dashed into the kitchen like a rocket.

I stood up and followed the other boys into the kitchen.

"Good afternoon, sweetheart. How was your sleep?" Harry hugged me as I approached him next to the stove.

"It was good," I responded and hugged Harry back around his upper stomach, that being where I can reach him.

"Hi, Braylyn!" Zoey giggled as she was sitting down at the table next to Liam. I'll never understand why she's so joyful all the time.

"What's up, sis?" I walked over to her and kissed her head.

"Nothing much," she smiled.

I took my spot between Harry and Niall. Harry served us all.

"This is so good!" Niall took bite after bite from his salad.

"Awesome. It was Zoey's idea," Harry grinned.

"What are we going to do today?" I spoke up.

"Well......somebody else should tell them," Liam said.

"We thought......uhhhh....Zayn, wanna tell them?" Louis faced Zayn.

"Why me?" Zayn asked. "Harry, you want to tell them?" He looked at Harry.

"Ummm.......we.........would......I," Harry spoke like he always does: slowly.

"Guys, what's going on?" I asked nervously.

"Who's going to tell them?" Zayn glanced at each of the boys.

"One, two, three, not it!" Louis exclaimed.

"Not it!" All the other boys followed, but Niall was last.

"One of y'all just spit it out." I felt my blood beginning to boil. What? I'm an impatient person.

Niall rubbed the back of his neck. "We don't know how you girls would like this, but we thought you girls would get your all's hair cut," he announced.

"So a haircut?" I raised an eyebrow. "You mean you guys did all of that bullshit just to announce that?"

"Language!" The boys all gave me scolding looks.

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