Chapter 80

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Braylyn's POV
Strong arms. That's all I could sense. I felt them wrapped around me from both sides and holding onto me tightly. My dads don't want me leaving. Normally, I would love this feeling, but I'm just not able to right now. Everything hurts inside.

My head is pounding, making me want to just grasp it, only to stop the pain. My tummy is hurting extremely, and I feel like I can't hold last night's dinner much longer. I'm struggling to regain breath as my throat is burning. I tried to let air out but failed. Is this what my dads feel like after they get drunk?

I wanted to get up, but I couldn't bring myself to. All I could do was give up and continue laying in bed. The fact my dads still had their arms wrapped tightly around my waist and were creating heat didn't make me feel any better. I had the urge to cry out but nothing happened. Think, Braylyn. Just wake one of them up.

I decided to wake up Daddy, because he's easier to arouse. "Daddy, wake up." I could only say, since I couldn't even move my arms. Of course, I received no response. "Daddy, please wa—," I tried again but failed. I exhaled a sigh and coughed even more. This isn't going to be easy.

"Baby, stop moving," Harry grumbled in a deep, tired voice. "Darling, I'm not the one who's moving," Louis responded sleepy. I let out another cough, feeling mucous clogging my throat. "It's probably just our little one needing water or to go to the loo," Harry stated raspy with his eyes still closed. Luckily, he loosened his grip around me, and I was able to wiggle out of his arms.

I got out of bed and crawled all the way into the bathroom. I placed myself next to the toilet, hoping I could throw up. For some reason I couldn't. I sat there for several minutes, but no matter what I did, I was unable to. Finally, I stood up and fixed me a cup of faucet water.

As I drank, I realized one thing: when I'm sick, Zoey is sick too. "Zoey," I mumbled weakly. I have to go see her! But how?! Think, Braylyn. I can just sneak out of the room and go down to the others' room. After all, my dads are both asleep. "Achoo!" I emitted a sneeze into my arm. I hate being sick!

I crawled out of the bathroom and all the way to the door. I did the latch and was about to open the door, but my dad began speaking. "Babe, the bed feels almost empty? "Well, you don't take much room, lovey," Harry's voice sounded muffled. "Whatever." Louis groaned. "Is Braylyn not in the bed?" Harry asked deeply.

I sat quietly on the carpet, hoping they wouldn't see me. I heard their footsteps come my way, and suddenly, the lights flicked on. "Braylyn, what are you doing, love?" My dad questioned me, rubbing his eyes. "I-I wanted to check on Zoey," I could only stutter. "Sweetie pie, it's the middle of the night," Harry sighed.

"I need to check on her. I don't think she's well," I tried telling my dads. "Bubs, we've talked about this. We promise you she's fine," Louis stated. "Now, come on and get back in bed. You need to sleep, my little kitten." Harry helped me off the ground.

"Please just let me check on her," I begged. I argued with them for God knows how long. "Braylyn, bed, now," my dad said a bit sternly. "You're not the boss of me!" I now yelled boldly with my arms folded. "You want to try that again?" Harry looked at me intensely. "You're not going to have a hissy fit with us, little missy."

"Y'all don't understand. Zoey doesn't feel well, and I, being her sister, need to go check on her." I rambled. All Harry did was nod at me but pushed his bare body into mine, making me go all the way back to the bed and collapse on it. "She's fine, Bray. Don't you worry." He hovered over me and kissed my lips before getting back into bed and wrapping his arms around me like before. "Nooo! Please!" I attempted to get out of his grip. "Braylyn, quit it! Enough of this behavior! We said NO! As our daughter, you need to listen to us! We're tired and don't feel like fighting with you right now, baby girl," Harry spoke authoritatively and half-yelling.

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