Chapter 39

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Zoey's POV
I woke up to see that I was in Braylyn's room. Not only that, but the boys are also asleep in here.

I glanced at the clock on Braylyn's nightstand and read: 8:03 a.m. My eyes widened. "Guys, wake up!" I climbed out of Braylyn's bed and quickly woke the boys up.

"What's wrong, Zoey?" Niall asked groggily as he and the other boys woke up.

"Braylyn and I have school!" I exclaimed.

"Zoey, you and Braylyn aren't going to school today," Louis informed me as he rubbed sleep out of his eyes.

"Why?" I looked at the boys confused.

"After everything that happened these past couple days, we think you girls need a day off from school," Zayn told me.

"Ummmm, okay?" I said confused.

"You can go back to sleep, marshie," Liam said.

"Okay," I responded.

"Should we stay with her?" I heard Harry ask Louis, referring to Braylyn.

Before Louis opened his mouth to answer, I quickly spoke up. "I can stay with my sister," I told them, knowing Braylyn would freak out if she woke up and saw Harry and Louis sleeping with her.

"That's fine, darling," Harry and Louis agreed.

I crawled back into Braylyn's bed and snuggled against her.

"Sleep well, sweetheart," the boys all kissed me before exiting Braylyn's room and going into their rooms, well....except for Louis and Harry going into Harry's room.

I laid awake, thinking next to sleeping Braylyn.

I'm scared of the boys. Yes, I know I might not be as scared as Braylyn is, but still, I'm scared.

It was terrifying, witnessing the boys drunk. Even worse, it was terrifying to hear Braylyn's screams as the boys were hurting her. I wanted to go help her, but I know Braylyn told me to hide in order to protect me.

Braylyn is the bravest person I know, even if she refuses to believe it. All Braylyn does is protect me and put me before herself.

I want to be there for Braylyn like she's always there for me. I know I give her a reason to live. Without me, Braylyn would feel lifeless.

But why does Braylyn feel that way now? Why does she have anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and nightmares? What goes on in her mind?

I really wish I knew all of these answers, but sadly, I don't.

When I look at Braylyn, I see a sad, broken girl. I see Braylyn's fear. I see how she's only happy when she's around me. I see myself.

I may look happy, but truth is I'm hurt inside. I'm devastated from the accident, losing my parents and Hunter. Braylyn may cry to herself, but I fill the lake that Mr. Quackers swims in with my tears.

I want to tell Braylyn how I feel, but I know she deals with it more than I do. She's broken, which is why I dedicate my life to be there for her like she is for me.

With that, I drifted back to sleep.

I woke up, remembering the boys said that Braylyn and I don't have to go to school today. That's good because I don't feel like going anyways.

I saw Braylyn still sleeping next to me. I kissed her cheek before climbing out of the bed and going downstairs. I don't feel like getting ready for the day right now. I guess it's just one of those mornings.

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