Chapter 33

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"Zoey!" I searched around to see that she isn't here.

"Braylyn, what are you doing here?" I heard a voice from behind me. I flipped my head around to see Daniel, a boy who's an orphan and is about a year older than me.

"I'm looking for Zoey," I told him.

"Braylyn—," Daniel started to say.

"Where's Zoey?!" I felt panic beginning to build up inside.

Daniel looked at me sadly, "Braylyn, Zoey isn't here."

Braylyn's POV
"What?" I asked confused.

"Zoey isn't here Braylyn," Daniel repeated.

"That's not right!" I screamed.

"It is Braylyn," Daniel told me.

"You're joking! Tell me you're joking!" I refused to believe in what he was saying.

"I'm sorry Braylyn, but I'm not joking," Daniel stated quietly.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Quit fucking me and tell me where Zoey is!" I shouted.

"Braylyn, I—," Daniel began to say.

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY SISTER?!" I shouted panicky.

Suddenly, the boys and Ms. Puckett appeared into the room.

"Daniel, you go ahead and take Marcus and Max to the park," Ms. Puckett instructed Daniel to leave instantly.

"I'm sorry Braylyn," Daniel gave me an apologetic look.

I let him walk off. I don't need his pity.

"Where's my sister?!" I now yelled at Ms. Puckett.

"Braylyn, please calm down," Louis spoke gently.

"Shut up!" I only spat back at him.

"Braylyn, Zoey was taken to Warm Hearts Orphanage back in Boston," Ms. Puckett said.

"WHAT?!" I screamed.

"You and Zoey weren't supposed to be here at this orphanage in the first place. After the accident, you girls were taken here by child services, but they took you all to the wrong orphanage. It was a mistake," Ms. Puckett began to explain.

"And?" I questioned.

"And now they've sent Zoey back to Boston to the orphanage you girls were supposed to be sent to," Ms. Puckett said sadly.

Struck in the heart, I slowly collapsed onto the ground. "No. No. No. No! No! No! NO! NO! NO! THIS CAN'T BE!!" I screamed in shock.

"I'm extremely sorry Braylyn," Ms. Puckett apologized quietly.

"HOW THE FUCK IS THAT—?!!" I began crying and didn't finish my sentence.

"Thank you Ms. Puckett. We'll take it from here," Liam told Ms. Puckett.

Ms. Puckett nodded then left the room.

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