Chapter 32

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With that, I quickly ran out of the half-bath and out the front door. I have lost myself.

Braylyn's POV
I couldn't take it anymore: all of the broken promises. Anger and sadness has built up inside me.

I ran and ran until I reached the park. I quickly climbed on top of the monkey bars and broke down crying.

Luckily, it's almost night time, so no one is around.

Everything is hurting me inside. It's all on repeat, and I just want to drown it all away. My mind isn't where it's supposed to be.

Imagine what it would be like to have all my thoughts drowned away. All my fears just vanish, and everything is fine.

But no, instead, I'm stuck here with no Zoey, broken promises, and a shattered heart.

Louis's POV
The boys and I went upstairs as Braylyn was sleeping.

I just hope we can get Zoey back and make Braylyn happy.

"So, did Simon say anything else about the whole Zoey thing?" Harry asked me. Him and I are in my room.

"No, but he did say something about Braylyn," I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"What did he say about her?" Harry questioned me.

"Well, he found out that Braylyn can sing, and he wanted us to use her to make us look good," I sighed.

"You're telling me he wanted us to use our daughter, our child, as a prodigy?!" Harry became furious.

"Basically, but we told him to fook off," I smiled, thinking about what the boys and I said to Simon.

"Good. It's bad enough as it is, having Zoey taken away, but never will we ever use Braylyn to make us look good or as a charity case," Harry stated deeply.

"Agreed. He may control us, but he'll never tell us what to do with our kids," I said.

We stayed quiet for a minute.

"Do you think Braylyn is warming up to us?" I spoke up.

"It's hard to say, but maybe she is in some ways," Harry said.

"Like what?" I asked him.

"Well, I mean she doesn't kick nor protest whenever we pick her up and hold her like she used to do," Harry told me.

"I guess that's an improvement," I said. Braylyn has kicked us a few times (where it hurts) when we've picked her up and held her.

"Then again, Braylyn is broken without Zoey. We probably scare her," Harry stated.

"Yea," I sighed in agreement.

"Guys, come quick!" We heard Niall call from downstairs.

Harry and I immediately left my room and rushed downstairs, along with Liam and Zayn.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked Niall.

"Braylyn is gone!" Niall exclaimed.

"What?" We all questioned him.

"She's not on the couch," Niall told us.

We followed him to the living room.

"She's not here," Niall pointed.

We all looked at the couch that Braylyn was sleeping on to see no Braylyn.

"Where is she?!" I started panicking.

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