Chapter 24

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I'm on the verge of tears again. I'm being abused.

I don't know where I am, but I know I'm where I'm not supposed to be. Torture.

Braylyn's POV
I walked into school, hoping I could find Tyler.

"Braylyn!" I heard someone call my name.

I turned around to see Tyler running up to me.

"Tyler, I need to talk to you," I said hurriedly.

"It looks like someone is excited to see me," he laughed and embraced me into a hug.

"Tyler, you have to help me please," I spoke unevenly.

"Woah. Relax and take a deep breath," Tyler gestured me to breathe.

"I'm serious Tyler! I need your help!" I told him panicky.

"Braylyn, what's wrong?" He asked me concerned.

"Come with me," I took his hand and led him to somewhere where there aren't any teachers around.

We ended up by the janitor's closet.

"What's going on baby?" Tyler questioned me.

I'm going to ignore that.

"Do you remember my sister, Zoey?" I asked him quietly.

"A sister?" He looked at me confused.

"Yes. Do you remember my sister, Zoey?" I repeated.

"I'm sorry Bray, but you don't have a sister," Tyler told me.

"So you never recall me ever talking about Zoey?" I asked him.

"You've never talked about a 'Zoey' before," he stated to me.

This can't be right.

I pulled out Mr. Quackers from my backpack.

"Does this ring a bell?" I held Mr. Quackers in front of Tyler.

"I've never seen that," Tyler looked at it.

"It's my sister's. I've mentioned it to you and Lucas before," I said.

"I'm sorry honey, but I've never seen that before nor heard of this 'Zoey'," Tyler told me.

Our other friends showed up.

"Hey guys!" Violet smiled.

"Hi Violet," Tyler said back.

"Braylyn, why are you holding a stuffed animal duck?" Mason pointed at Mr. Quackers.

"It's my sister's stuffed animal. Do you all remember my sister?" I asked them.

"You have a sister?" Lucas questioned me.

"That's what I thought to. She has never told us about her sister," Tyler said.

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