Chapter 40

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Braylyn's POV
Today is Saturday, and thank goodness because I don't feel like going to school.

I haven't really talked to the boys lately. Yes, I'm over the whole drama with them getting drunk, but still, I'm terrified to be around them.

I know what you all are thinking. Why did she join in on Zoey's tea party if she's terrified of the boys. Truth is, idk. Part of me was forgiving the boys, but part of me still and never will forgive them. The question is: am I just that vulnerable?

The two hickeys that Harry gave me have not gone away. I've been using makeup to conceal them whenever I go out.

Right now, I'm getting ready for the day. You all know, nothing new. Hold up............that's my problem! Nothing NEW happens in my life.

Ok, I know I'm living with a boy band, and that's something major, but then again, I feel like I'm living the same day over and over. Maybe that's why I never feel excited or happy about anything. I have nothing to look forward to.

After getting out of the shower, I dried off. I brushed my hair and decided to let it air dry. I then got dressed in a flannel romper.

I walked downstairs and to the kitchen where the boys are fixing lunch.

"Good afternoon, darling," Zayn noticed me first.

"Hi," I said back quietly.

"What did you say?" The boys all faced me.

"Um, hi?" I answered shyly.

"You're talking to us again!" Louis exclaimed happily.

"Well...I guess I kinda h-a-ave put what happened be-e-hind, but I st-st-ill don't.....forgive you all....for wh-h-at you all did," I managed to say and sat down at the bar area.

"We don't expect you to ever forgive us. We're just glad you're talking to us again, cupcake," Niall said.

I noticed Harry staring at the hickey on my neck. Tears started forming in his eyes as he fought so hard for them to not fall. I know Harry is upset with what he did to me and has mentally beaten himself up.

I got up, walked over to him, and hugged him. Why am I so vulnerable?

"Kitten, I'm glad that you're talking to us again, and you're trying to leave what happened behind and move on. I'm still angry with myself for giving you those and leaving you in pain," Harry hugged me back tightly.

"I-I-I don't want t-to talk ab-ou-out it right now," I only said back.

Harry nodded in understanding.

"Are you hungry?" Zayn asked me.

I nodded lightly and sat back down at the bar.

"Here's this, cutie," Niall sat down a plate of food in front me.

Something then hit me! "Guys, where's Zoey?!" I started panicking.

"Relax, sweetheart. She and Liam are still sleeping. They stayed up all night, watching movies," Louis informed me.

"Oh. Okay," I let out a sigh of relief, but my nerves came back. I'm scared to be in here alone with the boys.

The boys talked among themselves as we all ate. I'm just mentally praying that Zoey will come down any moment now.

Eventually, I finished eating three-fourths of my food. I got up to put my plate in the sink.

"Here, I got it, babe," Harry walked over to me.

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