Chapter 8

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Braylyn's POV
I woke up to see it's 11:00.

I got out of bed and took a quick shower. Once I finished, I changed into some clothes, threw on a choker, brushed my teeth and my hair, and fixed my hair into pigtails.

I went to Zoey's room to see she wasn't there.

I then went downstairs and to the kitchen to see the boys making breakfast.

"Good morning guys," I said to them as I sat down next to Zoey at the bar.

"Good morning," they all said back.

"Where's Harry?" Zoey asked, noticing he wasn't in here.

"His mom called him so he's in his room on the phone," Liam responded.

Louis then sat plates of toast and eggs in front of us.

"Thank you," Zoey and I both said in unison.

We then all ate together.

Once we finished eating, Zoey and I sat there as the boys cleaned up.

I then noticed something on the bar: a calendar.

"Umm, hey, what's today's date?" I asked.

"The 6th," Zayn said while drying a plate off.

I quickly looked at the 6th to see written: Braylyn and Zoey's doctor appointments.

"Why do you ask princess?" Niall asked me.

"Oh, I thought it was one of my friend's birthday," I lied.

"Why did you really ask?" Zoey whispered to me. She knows when I lie. She also knows how to whisper now.

I quickly pointed at today's date.

Her eyes widen with fear. We're scared of going to the doctor's.

I signaled to her to make a run.

The boys were all cleaning the dishes. When they weren't looking, Zoey and I quickly got up and ran away.

"Girls! Come back!" Louis hollered after us. At this point, the boys were chasing us.

Zoey and I ran separate ways.

I ran upstairs and into the hallway. That was when I ran into a confused Harry.

"Woah Braylyn. Careful now," Harry caught me from falling.

He pulled me in front of him to where his height was dominating mine.

"Why are you running sweetheart?" He asked me.

I ignored his question and turned my head around to see if the boys were coming.

"Braylyn?" Harry asked me and turned my head back to face him.

"Umm, we're playing hide and seek. I'm hiding," I lied.

"Oh, okay," he believed me.

"Will you please be a pal and hide me in your room?" I asked him.

"Sure love," he said.

"Quickly," I rushed him and turned my head again to see if the boys were coming.

He grabbed my hand and led me to his room.

We then walked into his walk-in closet.

"You can hide here," he pointed underneath a rack of clothes.

"Okay," I crawled underneath the hung up clothes.

He then moved the clothes around to hide me. Afterwards, he left.

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