Chapter 50

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Zoey's POV
Today is Monday, aka, a school day. I'm actually looking forward to going to school and seeing my friends. Everyday with them is a great day!

After Louis and Zayn woke me up, I got out of bed, picked some clothes out, and began my morning routine. Not knowing what to do with my hair, I decided to wear it down.

Once I finished getting ready for the day, I entered Braylyn's room. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Zoey. How are you?" Braylyn asked sweetly.

"I'm doing great and you?" I returned the question.

"Fine I guess," Braylyn shrugged.

"Could you please help me with my earrings?" I asked her.

"Sure," Braylyn said.

I handed her my duck earrings, and she put them in my ears. "Thank you," I smiled.

"No problem," she returned the smile.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Just a sec," Braylyn grabbed a jacket. She's always been cold-natured. "Let's go," she took my hand.

Together, we walked downstairs and entered the kitchen where the boys were fixing breakfast. Well, where Harry was fixing breakfast. "Good morning girls," they smiled at us.

"Good morning," Braylyn and I said in unison.

Liam gave me my daily morning kiss as Louis and Harry kissed Braylyn's cheeks and asked her how she's feeling.

"Okay," Braylyn only responded.

"Okay as in you're fine or okay as you're good?" Louis questioned.

"What do you think?" Braylyn rolled her eyes.

"Well, it would help if you talk to us, kitten," Harry stated. Apparently, him and Louis are doing these things to toughen Braylyn up.

"Oh Braylyn, you see your therapist this Friday. Harry and I are taking you out of school that day," Louis told her.

"Great," Braylyn sighed.

"It will be fine, sweetheart. You can talk about whatever you want," Harry assured her.

"What's for breakfast?" I changed the subject for Braylyn's sake.

"Bagels," Liam sat them down on plates in front of Braylyn and me.

"Ooh, yay!" I giggled.

"Th-thank you," Braylyn stuttered.

"Try not to stutter, darling," Louis said parentally.

"Sorry," Braylyn mumbled.

"Speak up, Bray," Harry instructed.

I kinda feel bad for Braylyn. Sure, Harry and Louis are trying to help her, but I hate how they're constantly on her.

Once Braylyn and I finished eating, we went upstairs and went into our bathrooms to brush our teeth. After I finished, I entered her bathroom. "How are you really feeling?" I asked. She's always honest with me.

"I wish to be independent again," Braylyn sighed.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her.

"I just feel like the boys have taken my independence away ever since they adopted us. They've taken all my responsibilities that make me who I am. Now, I feel like I don't have any control," Braylyn explained to me.

"Hey, that's not true. You still have and always will have one responsibility," I stated.

"And that is?" Braylyn questioned.

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