Chapter 1

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Braylyn's POV
Here, I'm sitting alone in the stupid orphanage.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. My life was fine before everything happened. I had loving parents and a loving older brother. I made good grades at school. I had amazing friends. But now that's all gone.

We were in the car on our way to vacation. Suddenly, a truck hit us. My younger sister and I are the only ones that survived.

My sister and I were then sent to this boring orphanage. It's nice but I just hate it here.

"Sissy, come play with us," my sister, Zoey, begged me.

"Sorry Zoe. I'm not in the mood right now. I will later," I told her.

"Oh, okay," she said. She then ran off with a few other little kids.

Let me tell you about my little sister. She's five and just so energetic. Nothing can make her sad.

I love my sister more than anything. It's my responsibility to take care of her now that our parents are dead. It's just sad that she won't grow up with her real mother and father. Of course, Zoey is to young to understand everything right now.

Then there is me. I'm basically sad that my parents and brother are gone. I'm sad to watch my sister grow up without our parents' love. I'm sad that this is my life now.

Everything is not okay anymore. I just have to act like things are going to be in front of my sister even though they won't be.

I hide my feelings when I'm around my sister. I have to stay strong for her. She needs her big sister right now more than anything.

Well, that sums my life right now.

Louis's POV
The boys and I are going to the orphanage to adopt a girl. I am the one adopting her since I'm the oldest. We have been looking forward to this for a long time, and now the day is finally here.

We finally made it to the orphanage. The boys and I walked in. We were then greeted by a woman who looks like she is in her early 40s. She introduced herself as Ms. Puckett.

"How may I assist you all today?" She asked us.

"We are wanting to adopt a girl," I responded.

"And what age?" She asked.

"Around 10-12," Liam answered. The boys and I agreed on this age range because it's probably easier than taking care of a two-year old or a teenager.

"Okay. Wait right here please," Ms. Puckett led us into a room.

"Girls from ages 10-12 please come down," Ms. Puckett called from a speaker.

Afterwards, there were about five or six girls who came down and formed a line in front of the boys and me. It looks like youngest to oldest.

Braylyn's POV
Ms. Puckett called us girls ages 10-12 down. I followed closely behind the rest of the girls and then took my spot in line.

Some of the girls squealed when they saw who is here.

I looked up to see five boys. They look about 18 to 20. One has raven hair. One has puppy dog eyes. One has curly hair. One has blonde hair. And the last one has blue eyes.

I looked down and started praying to God that they won't adopt me (or at least talk to me). I can't leave my sister behind if they do.

"Hi honey. What is your name?" The boy with curly hair bent down to my height and asked me. I'm really short for my age.

I didn't answer him, thinking that if I don't speak then maybe they will pay no attention to me.

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