Chapter 25

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Braylyn's POV
Ever since my nightmare, I've been afraid.

The boys keep reassuring me that they'll never hurt me. It's just that everything hits differently.

Right now, we're at a concert in Vienna, Italy. The boys are getting ready while Zoey and I are at a couch area. She's asleep right now.

Tour has been nothing but come and go. I feel like I'm living the same day over and over again. To think that it has only been a month!

Additionally, my sleep schedule is messed up. There're nights where we all go out to eat after the concert. Sometimes, we won't get back to the hotel until 2:00 a.m!

I miss my friends. I miss doing cheer. I miss my normal, simple life.

This is my life now, and there's nothing I can do about it.

With that, I went to sleep on the couch.

I woke up to feel someone carrying me in their arms. I looked to see that I was being carried by Liam. He noticed me awake.

"Sorry to wake you darling," Liam apologized to me.

"Don't be," I responded back.

"Tired?" He asked me.

"Yes. Where are we going?" I asked him.

"To the tour bus. We're all going out to eat dinner," he told me.

"Wait, is the concert already over?" I asked him confused.

"Yes. You and Zoey slept the whole time," he said.

"Speaking of Zoey, where is she?" I started panicking.

"Relax love. She's with the other boys. I finished getting ready first so I decided to take you back to the bus with me," Liam explained to me.

"Oh, okay," I said.

With that, Ashton came out and saw us.

"Hey guys," he walked over to us.

"Are the others still getting ready?" Liam asked Ashton.

"Yea. They said they'll be out in about 15 minutes," Ashton responded.

"Okay," Liam said.

"Hey sleeping beauty. It's good to see you awake now," Ashton took me from Liam and placed me on his hip.

Why does everyone hold me all the time? I'm not an infant.

"Haha, but you're cute, and we love holding you," Ashton laughed.

"Wait, did I say that out loud?" I asked.

"Yes," Ashton and Liam laughed.

"I didn't realize," I mumbled. At least they can't hear all my thoughts.

"Are you looking forward to going out to eat?" Ashton asked me.

Boy, he doesn't know me. I don't look forward to anything anymore.

"I'm tired," I stated.

"How are you tired?! You slept the whole concert!" He exclaimed to me.

I didn't respond back. It's not like I have to.

About 15 minutes later, like Ashton said, everyone else came out.

"Can you put me down?" I asked Ashton.

"Sure sweetheart," Ashton put me down.

I went to Zoey.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

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