Chapter 72

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Thank you amarie121005!!💖

"What can we do in the meantime, Haz?" Louis asked his husband, getting in the bed with him and Braylyn.

"What we always do. Braylyn just wants protection, and I don't care if we lose sleep if that makes her feel protected and loved." Harry hummed in response. It was at least two in the morning, but that didn't matter to him.

The two boys chatted for awhile, holding their sleeping daughter in their arms and kissing her ever so often.

"She did call me daddy," Harry spoke up, grinning.

Louis kissed him on the lips. "That's progress. She's accepting us."

Braylyn's POV
I woke up, shaking in terror from another nightmare. Drops of sweat rolled down my face as I struggled to regain my breath. I attempted to sit up but was restrained, leaving me laying on my back. I looked down to see Louis and Harry had their arms wrapped around me as if they were holding me while they slept.

I glanced at my electric clock and read 3:48 a.m. Sighing, I settled back down to reflect on the nightmare but struggled to piece it all together. Usually, I remember every detail of my nightmares, whether it's about my family's tragedy or me being in a gang, but this one I can't seem to remember anything.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt my body beginning to shake in fright again. More sweat was cascading down my face while my breathing was increasing. I decided to try to wake Harry and Louis up. "Guys?" I began shaking Louis first.

My effort failed as Louis didn't respond. "Dad, wake up." I shook him harder. Yes, I'm calling Louis "dad" and Harry "daddy" because I've finally accepted them as my parents. Might as well because I know they're never taking me back to the orphanage nor even consider it.

"Your turn, Lou," Harry mumbled in a deep, tired voice next to me.

After a minute of shaking Louis, he finally responded. "Yes, Braylyn?" He asked sleepy.

"I had a nightmare," I answered panicky.

"What about?" Louis questioned, keeping his eyes closed and not bothering to open them.

"That's the thing. I-I-I can't seem to remember," I mumbled.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Go back to sleep, love." Louis rolled over onto his other slide.

"B-But it could be," I stuttered, hurt that he didn't seem to care.

"Braylyn, listen to your dad and go back to sleep, sweetheart," Harry now spoke groggy and tightened his arm around me.

I huffed in complete disbelief and annoyance. Why don't they care I just had a nightmare? Why aren't they comforting me or at least trying to? Normally, they would be doing everything in their will to soothe me after I had a nightmare. Why is this time different?

I decided I needed some water to regain myself. I attempted to get out of the bed but failed because of my broken leg and Harry also had his arm still around me tightly. "Let go of me. I'm getting some water." I slapped his arm, pissed at the way him and Louis reacted to me telling them I had a nightmare.

"Go ahead, huggy. Be careful with your leg. Also, we're going to have to control that hitting thing you keep doing," Harry replied in a deep voice, the last part coming out more stern. He moved his arm off me, allowing me to come out of the covers and crawl to the front of the bed.

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