Chapter 57

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Braylyn's POV
"Braylyn, it's time to wake up," I felt Louis and Harry shaking me. It's the same thing every day.

"Just five more more minutes," I groaned.

"Nope. Now, come on, babe. Just get up," Louis took my pillow and pulled the sheets off me.

"I've asked this a thousand times, and I'll ask it again: can't a girl just sleep in peace?" I whined.

"Sorry to tell ya, sweet pea, but no," Harry stated, picking me up into his arms. I'll never understand why they pick me up and hold me all the time.

I couldn't help but smile to myself at the name he called me.

"What are you smiling about?" Louis asked me in a happy voice.

I opened my eyes. "It's just that my mother used to call me sweet pea. I sorta hated it but also sorta liked it."

"Awww. That's cute, but I'm sticking with kitten, because you'll always will be my little kitten," Harry hugged me tightly, making me giggle.

"Can I tell you boys something?" I looked at them.

"Of course. You can tell us anything," they nodded.

"Well, Harry kinda reminds me of my mother because of the things he does. Louis kinda reminds me of my father because he's funny and sassy," I admitted.

"Really?" Louis asked happily.

"Yea. It's funny in some ways," I whispered.

"Well, it makes us happy to hear that. You can always talk about your mum, dad, and brother to us anytime your heart desires," Harry kissed my head.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"You seem to be in a good mood, Braylyn," Louis grinned.

"Yesterday was a fun day, and I'm hoping that today will be as well," I said, snuggling into Harry.

"It will be, angel. As for right now, we're going to eat breakfast downstairs," Harry informed me. "You may go down in your pajamas."

"How's Zoey doing?" I questioned.

"She's fine, Braylyn. Don't you worry," Louis kissed my head.

I rested my head in Harry's chest as he carried me out of the room. "Wait, why was in y'all's bed?"

"You fell out of yours during the night so we moved you into ours," Harry told me.

"Ahh. I see," I nodded. I couldn't give a care if I fall out of the bed. With a sleeping pill, I don't think I even have a dream or a nightmare.

Louis and Harry walked down the hallway. As they walked by, I noticed a boy looking at me. I raised my head up from Harry's chest and glanced at the boy to see him not there. Am I seeing things?

"Are you alright, Bray?" Louis asked me with a worried look.

"Yea," I lied.

"Are you sure? You took your head off my chest, and you're acting like you just saw something," Harry looked down at me.

"I guess I had another fucking hallucination," I stated.

"We beg your pardon?" Harry and Louis gave me stern looks.

"Sorry," I mumbled an apology.

"It's fine. Anyways, the sleeping pills must be causing you to have hallucinations," Louis explained.

"After vacation, we're probably going to take you to the doctor and have her check on that," Harry said.

"Awesome," I sighed.

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