Chapter 12

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Braylyn's POV
"Braylyn, wake up," I felt the boys shaking me awake.

"Just let me sleep," I mumbled sleepily.

"Come on Bray. You have to go to school," Zayn shook me.

"I think you mean raising hell," I corrected him.

"Braylyn, watch your language!" Louis scolded me.

"It's the truth," I stated.

"How do you know curse words? You're only eleven," Niall asked me.

"Oh, like you all didn't when you all were my age," I rolled my eyes.

"Braylyn, school isn't that bad," Liam tried reasoning with me.

"Tell me more lies why don't you," I only responded back.

"Geez, are you always this moody?" Harry questioned me.

"Well, we all know that school is a prison," I said.

"Braylyn, just try school today. If you don't like it, then we can take you and Zoey out and homeschool you all," Louis tried negotiating with me.

"I guess that's fine," I gave in.

"Thank you Bray-Fray," Louis hugged me. The boys call me that and I don't know why. I could care less though.

"Now come on. You don't want to be late on your first day," Zayn pulled me out of bed.

"Oh sure I don't," I said.

"There's another 's'. You're sarcastic," Harry pointed out.

I rolled my eyes.

They then left.

I took a quick shower. Once I finished, I got ready for my living nightmare. I put on a t-shirt, shorts, a jacket, a choker, socks, and converses on. I brushed my hair out and braided my bangs.

Afterwards, I went downstairs and to the kitchen where everyone is. I sat down at the bar next to Zoey.

"Here you go princess," Niall sat down a bowl of cereal in front of me.

"Good morning Bray," Zoey said to me.

"Good morning Zoe," I responded back.

"Are you excited about school?" She asked me.

"Nope," I stated, popping the 'p'.

"Not even a little bit?" She questioned me.

"Not even a little bit," I told her.

"Can you at least try to be a little excited?" Liam asked me.

"Why try to be an emotion that I'm not feeling right now?" I only questioned.

"Well, Braylyn, it's good to look forward to things," Louis explained to me.

"School isn't one thing to be excited about," I stated.

"Sure it is. You get to make new friends, learn new things, and much more," Zayn tried reasoning with me.

"School is a death sentence. Teachers are boring, there are bullies, and cafeteria food is gross," I stuck with my opinions.

"Gosh, it's so hard to change your mind about anything. Are you always so stubborn love?" Harry asked me.

"Yep, and I could care less," I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, are you girls ready?" Liam asked Zoey and me.

"Yes!" Zoey exclaimed happily.

"Yea, I'm totally ready for my torture," I responded sarcastically.

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