Chapter 52

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I squirmed around in Harry's arms. After a few minutes, I became tired.

"Go to sleep, love. Tomorrow starts your training," Harry kissed my head, causing me to flinch.

I closed my eyes and mentally cried myself to sleep. God, please wake me up from this nightmare.

*TW: abuse and harassment*

Braylyn's POV
"Wake up, Braylyn," I heard Harry coo at me.

I ignored him and rolled over to my other side.

"Feisty, I see," Harry chuckled. "That's going to be great for our gang."

Suddenly, I realized that I'm still in my nightmare. Fuck.

"Come on! It's time to get up, get you ready, eat breakfast, then go train!" Harry yelled, picking me up roughly and dropping me back onto the bed.

"Owww!" I winced from the pain that my bruises were giving off.

"If you think that hurts, then you're not going to survive our training sessions," Harry chuckled in disbelief.

"I-I-I don't want to train," I said quietly.

"Braylyn, we're not giving you a choice!" Harry slapped me in the face.

Tears started swelling my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away.

"Now, let's get you ready," Harry pulled out some clothes from one of his drawers.

"Excuse me?" I looked at him.

"You heard me. I'm dressing you for training," Harry approached me, but I backed away as far as I could. "Come here!" He growled. It ended up to where I was cornered.

"I don't need you dressing me," I stated.

"Shit, Braylyn! You're mine now, and what's yours is mine!" Harry hissed.

"I don't think Louis would let you dress me. Who knows what you could do to me? For anything, this could be a fucking trap, and you are possibly going to rape me," I said confidently.

"Baby girl, I'll watch that attitude of yours," Harry smirked. "Also, Louis isn't in here, so right now, he doesn't call the shots. Now, are you going to let me put your clothes on you, or am I going to have to do this the hard away?"

I decided to take my chance and run. I quickly approached the door and tried turning the knob. Unfortunately, it was locked.

"You take me as a joke, don't you?" Harry chuckled. "Well......I'm not," he spat.

I sighed, knowing that I've lost this battle. "Just get this over with," I mumbled.

"Relax. I'd never rape you, Braylyn," Harry said and began taking the sweatshirt, that he gave me last night, off of me.

I covered myself, realizing what he was about to take off next.

"Stop covering yourself up," Harry demanded and pulled my arms away from my chest. "You're my girl now."

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