Chapter 37

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Braylyn's POV
It's Saturday afternoon, and we're doing absolutely nothing.

"Can't you find something good, Niall?" Harry whined as Niall flipped through the channels.

"Fine, you look, Haz," Niall tossed the remote to Harry.

"No one calls Harry 'Haz' except me!" Louis glared at Niall.

"Sorry sassy pants," Niall rolled his eyes.

"Liam, can you move your legs?" Zayn complained.

"Tell Harry to move over. He's taking up the most space," Liam said back.

"Geez, I'm sorry for being tall. Still guys, we have more couches," Harry stated.

"Okay. I'm sure you can go sit with Braylyn," Liam gestured to me. I'm laying on my own couch.

"Please don't drag me into this," I said.

"Sorry," Niall, Harry, and Liam apologized to me.

"Can we please watch something?" Zoey spoke up.

"Sorry Zoe, but we would if there was something good on," Louis told her.

"Why can't we watch a film like I suggested earlier?" Niall asked.

"Then Liam would want to watch Toy Story," Zayn stated.

"Toy Story is great!" Liam exclaimed.

"Not when you make us watch it every time you get to choose," Harry spoke annoyed.

"You're the one who made us watch The Notebook," Niall got into their conversation.

The boys continued arguing.

"Enough guys! Can y'all just shut up and quit fighting over something that's petty?!" I now screamed at them.

"You guys are being butts right now!" Zoey added.

The boys all looked at us shocked that we yelled at them but then changed their expressions to guilt. "We're sorry, girls. We shouldn't fight over something meaningless. You all choose what we watch," they all apologized.

"You guys are okay," Zoey accepted their apology.

"Whatever. Just please shut up," I spoke normally.

I couldn't help but wince in pain. My head is now throbbing. I closed my eyes, hoping I could fall asleep.

I heard someone get up and walk towards me. The couch then dipped. "Bray, are you okay?" I felt Niall place his hand on me.

"My head hurts from listening to you boys argue," I mumbled. I buried my head deeper into the pillow I'm resting it on.

"Do you want a pill?" I heard Harry ask me.

"No," I said barely audible.

"Go to sleep, baby girl," I felt Louis get up and place a blanket over me.

Suddenly, one of the boys' phones rang. I opened my eyes to see Liam talking on the phone.

"Hello......yes......that sounds fun.........we'll ask the girls first......okay...bye," Liam finished talking on his phone.

"What was that about?" Zayn asked.

"Management is having a party tonight and invited us. It's at a club and starts in about two hours," Liam told the boys.

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