Chapter 10

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Braylyn's POV
"Braylyn, it's time to wake up," I felt the boys shaking me.

I ignored them.

"Please wake up Bray," Louis shook me harder.

"Why?" I asked sleepily.

"Because we have something to tell you and Zoey downstairs," Liam said.

"Why not tell us now?" I asked and rubbed sleep out of my eyes.

"Ummm, because...," Niall looked for an answer.

"Because breakfast is ready and we don't want it to get cold," Zayn answered.

"Yea, sure," I didn't believe that.

"Come on. Zoey is already downstairs," Louis pulled me out of my bed.

I then walked downstairs with them following behind me.

"Hold on a second kitten," Harry stopped me when we got in the kitchen.

He then got something from a high cabinet and fixed me a glass of water.

He held a pill and a glass of water in his hands.

"Are you trying to drug me?!" I shouted.

"Goodness gracious Braylyn! I would never do that to you. None of us would ever hurt you or Zoey," he stated to me shocked that I would even ask that.

"Then what's that?!" I pointed to the pill in his hand.

"It's a pill for your head that Dr. Kessler prescribed. You better take it for the news we're about to tell you," he told me.

I hesitantly grabbed the pill and the water.

"It's okay Braylyn," Louis now said.

I put the pill in my mouth and swallowed it with the water.

Afterwards, I sat down next to Zoey and said good morning to her.

"Good morning Braylyn," she said back.

"Here you go darlings," Liam sat plates of scrambled eggs in front of us.

"Thank you," Zoey and I said in unison.

The boys then joined us at the table and started eating.

Zoey and I were peacefully eating until Louis finally broke the silence. "Okay girls, are you all ready?" He asked us.

Zoey and I nodded.

"Girls, we're going to an interview today," Zayn said.

"Pardon me?" I asked.

"We're going to an interview today," Niall repeated what Liam said.

"Oh, that's not bad," I relaxed and continued eating.

"Braylyn, you and Zoey are coming with us because you all are being interviewed," Harry announced.

"WHAT?!" I spit my food out and shouted.

"Braylyn, it's okay. You and Zoey are coming with us because we have to introduce you all to our fans," Louis said.

"No!" I started crying.

"Braylyn listen to us," Niall said.

"I can't!" I cried out.

I started breathing really hard.

"Braylyn, it's okay. Just calm down," Zoey hugged me.

I got up and ran to my room. I then broke down crying on my bed.

I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to be a boy band's daughter. I'm not ready for this new lifestyle.

Everything is changing and that's not okay because I'm not ready.

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