Chapter 41

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Braylyn's POV
"Braylyn, wake up sweetheart," I felt Niall and Zayn shaking me awake.

"Go away," I groaned.

"Come on, cupcake. You have school," Niall stated and shook me harder.

"That's just a good reason why y'all should go away and let me sleep," I rolled over onto my other side.

"Braylyn, please get up," Zayn begged.

"Zayn, please let me sleep," I only mocked him.

"Don't make us get Louis and Harry up here," Niall now said.

"No! Don't! I'm up!" I shot up quickly. I hate it when Louis and Harry wake me up. I had to spend four months of tour of them shaking me awake, them picking me up and dropping me onto the carpet, or them holding me and bouncing me until I wake up. It's all sickening.

"Atta girl!" Niall smiled at me.

"Now get ready, babe. Breakfast will be ready shortly," Zayn said before him and Niall exited my room.

I sighed and dragged myself out of bed. I took a quick shower and got ready for the day.

I walked downstairs and to the kitchen to see both Louis and Harry unbuckling their belts. "Um, is this a bad time?" I spoke up nervously.

Louis and Harry turned their faces at me. Their expressions went to smiling happily to shocked.

"Good morning sunshine," Harry tried to act like him and Louis weren't about to do the dirty.

"Very smooth," I rolled my eyes.

"Now I kinda wish I had listened to you, Haz, when you said we should wait til tonight after the kids go to sleep," Louis sighed aggravated that I walked in on them.

"Where's Zoey?" I asked them.

"I think she's still getting ready. Why don't you go upstairs and check on her?" Harry suggested.

"You're just trying to ignore the fact that I nearly walked in on you guys," I stated.

"Well....I....I uh....just go upstairs for a few minutes and check on your sister, will ya?" Harry dismissed me.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. I left the kitchen and went upstairs.

I walked into Zoey's room. "Good morning, Zoey," I greeted my cute, little sister.

"Morning Braylyn!" Zoey giggled.

"You're happy this morning," I smiled and sat down on her bed.

"Yea. I'm happy to be going back to school. Just want to live that normal kid life, you know?" She said.

"Yea," I nodded in agreement.

"Can you please help me with my hair?" Zoey asked me.

"Sure. Come here," I patted a spot for her to sit down. She handed me her hairbrush and sat down in front of me. "What do you want me to do?" I asked her.

"Um, a high ponytail," Zoey responded.

"Okay," I brushed Zoey's hair for a few minutes then fixed it into a high ponytail.

"Thank you," Zoey giggled as she admired her hair in the mirror.

"Anything for you Zoe," I smiled.

She and I went downstairs and to the kitchen where all five boys were now in.

"Good morning girls," the boys all smiled at us.

"Morning," Zoey and I said back and sat down at the bar area.

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