Chapter 58

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Braylyn's POV
I woke up to an irritating sound. What the hell?!

"Guys, what's that sound?" I groaned in annoyance.

I received no response. I looked over to see I was between Harry and Louis, both who are still asleep.

"Guys, wake up!" I shook them.

"What's wrong, huggy?" Harry asked groggily.

"This stupid noise won't stop!" I complained.

"Oh Braylyn, that's just an alarm clock," Louis chuckled, now getting up and turning it off.

"What?" I looked at him.

"An alarm clock. You know, it helps wake up you early in the morning," Louis told me.

"Why would anybody want to use an alarm clock?" I questioned.

"Like I just said, darling, to help wake you up early in the morning," Louis stated.

I continued looking at him confused.

"Haven't you ever woken up by an alarm clock?" Harry asked me, releasing me from his arms.

"No. My parents or Hunter would always wake me up themselves," I responded.

"Well that explains your confusion," Louis rolled his eyes.

"What time is it?" I now asked, pulling the sheets off Harry and putting them on me.

"It's 8:30," Louis informed me.

"Why so early?!" I whined.

"Because, babe, we're going to the others' room and watching a movie," Harry said.

"I don't wanna," I whined, burying my face in the pillows.

"How about we let you sleep for 10 more minutes?" Louis negotiated.

I shook my head.

"15 more minutes?" Harry asked.

I shook my head again.

"20 more minutes?" Louis tried reasoning with me.

I shook my head for the third time.

"Fine. 30 more minutes and that's final," Harry said.

"That's more like it," I smiled.

"I'll text the others and let them know," Louis pulled out his phone.

With that, I grabbed Harry's arms and wrapped them around me (I feel safer that way) and went to sleep. I really feel like I'm in my dad's arms again.

I woke up to another annoying sound. This time it was different. The fuck?

I looked over to see Harry and Louis making out........more like fucking in the other bed.

"Fuck me," Harry moaned as Louis was on top of him.

"God, you guys! Seriously?!" I shouted.

Harry and Louis immediately jumped up, shocked to see that I was now awake. They quickly put their belts back on and looked at me stunned. Yea, be frozen.

"Sorry, love. We didn't mean to wake you," Louis apologized.

"Maybe you boys should put yourselves in my shoes and see how y'all would react to two guys making out in the other bed," I rolled my eyes.

"We were going to be quick and do it while you were sleeping. It's why we let you sleep another hour instead of 30 minutes," Harry stated.

"Whatever. You guys give me a headache," I said annoyed.

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