Chapter 61

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Thank you Badbitchforharry for the picture!

Zoey's POV
Today is Wednesday, which means tennis practice and ice cream after school!

As for Braylyn, she has dance every night this week, except for Friday. Idky she's having extra practices.

This morning, Harry fixed French toast. It's absolutely delicious.

"Are you not eating yours?" I asked Braylyn, noticing she's only eaten half of hers.

"Take it," Braylyn pushed her plate in front of me.

"Would you like something else to eat? Fruit? Cereal? Eggs?" Niall offered her.

"No. Just some more sleep," Braylyn laid her head on the bar and closed her eyes.

"What's wrong, dear?" Louis asked her.

"Nothing. I'm tired," Braylyn responded.

"Of course you are. You've been dancing all week, getting ready for your competition this Saturday," Harry chuckled.

"Dance competition?" I gave a confused look.

"Don't tell me you forgot," Braylyn sat up and sighed.

"Well..........I......ummmm.....may have," I replied.

"Not surprised," Braylyn rolled her eyes. "Anyways, my competition is this Saturday, and the boys promised they'll be there," she stated.

"But my tennis tournament is this Saturday, and the boys promised me they'll be there," I told her.

Braylyn and I both looked at the boys, who had worried written all over their faces.

"Oh, babe. We forgot! We're so sorry!" Liam apologized.

"Well, at least now I know which kid is more important," I sighed and got up. Without another word, I went upstairs.

"Zoey, come back down!" Zayn begged.

"Let's talk about this, princess! Please?!" Niall pleaded.

Ignoring them, I went into my room and entered my bathroom.

It's not just today, but it's everyday the boys are focused on my sister more than me. They're always making sure she's okay, comforting her, wanting her to eat, surrounding themselves around her, and etc. I know they want to make her happy, but what about me? Why am I in the dark?

The boys spend all their energy, caring and hanging out with my sister. I'm always left with the scraps: boys who are tired, don't want to play, and only want to watch movies so they don't have to do anything.

Literally, the boys once forgot me at Walmart. Of course, Braylyn freaked out and became infuriated. She ended up not talking to the boys for a week.

"Zoey, may I come in?" I heard Louis knocking on my bathroom door.

"I'm brushing my teeth!" I hollered.

"It doesn't sound like there's a toothbrush in your mouth, based on how you were able to respond," Louis stated.

I sighed, knowing he was right. Dragging my feet, I walked up to my door and cracked it open a little, allowing him to squeeze inside.

"Honey, let's talk," he locked his eyes into mine.

"What's there to talk about?" I turned away, refusing to look at him. I'm actually proud of myself for being mad, considering that I can never stay mad at someone.

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