Chapter 81

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Niall's POV
Today has been a great day if you ask me. Why? Well, this afternoon, Braylyn got her cast off! She's been ecstatic about it. Then again, Harry and Louis said she didn't kip but argued about it, and finally, they gave in. I'm with her, though. I wouldn't be able to sleep if I was getting my cast off.

Right now, we're in a taxi and going to a restaurant to eat dinner. I have to say it's beautiful here in Brazil. The lads and I got to take the girls out a few days and go sightseeing. I think they've enjoyed—

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Zoey continued asking repeatedly, even though she's asked a dozen times in the past minute. I looked over at the boys: Harry was rubbing his temples as Louis was patting his shoulder, Zayn was banging his head and fidgeting with his water bottle and Liam was sighing in agitation. "Zoey, sweetie, like I said the last time you asked, we're almost there," he groaned.

"Okay," Zoey giggled. The boys and I felt relieved, but suddenly, she broke the silence once again. "I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry," she began to bounce up and down. "My gosh, Zoey! Shut the fuck up!" Braylyn finally shouted. "BRAYLYN DARCY PEYTON STYLES! That was very rude! Apologize, little missy!" Harry was the first to scold her. "Hey. We were all thinking it. At least I have the nerve to say it," Braylyn rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to have an attitude about it. So apologize now," Louis warned. I noticed from the corner of my eyes that Zoey was crying. "Hey, princess, don't cry," I whispered, pulling her to my lap. "Shhh. It's okay," Zayn said gently from beside me. We both tried calming Zoey down, while Louis and Harry chatted with Braylyn about her behavior.

"Zoey, I'm sorry for yelling at you. But you do need to learn to be a bit more patient. Still, I shouldn't had snapped at you and made you cry. Please forgive me, sissy," Braylyn apologized and kissed Zoey's forehead. "I forgive you," Zoey sniffled some. "See? Was that so hard?" Harry asked Braylyn. "Maybe you did need a kip, because you're definitely cranky right now."

"Good news is we're going out to celebrate Braylyn getting her cast off," Liam grinned. "And even better, we're now here," he announced. Both girls looked out the window, and to their luck, Liam was right. The taxi pulled up in front of the restaurant. Each of us lads pitched in on paying the driver, before we all got out.

"Girls, stay close," I instructed and took Zoey's hand into mine while Zayn did the same with Braylyn. We all entered the restaurant; Harry and Louis lingered behind us, giggling and exchanging flirtatious remarks to each other. "Hey, lovebirds! The table is this way," Liam stated, as they were about to walk the opposite direction than what the waiter was leading us.

We all got seated and took the menus the waiter handed us. He then took our drink orders. The lads and I allowed the girls to get coke and sprite since they've been well behaved today. After that, the waiter walked off.

"Can somebody share with me?" Braylyn asked. She has always hated going to a restaurant and not having a kid's menu where she could order a meal that satisfies her appetite. "What do you want to eat, love?" Louis asked her. "Just mac and cheese," she shrugged. "Lou, you were planning to share a salad with me," Harry kicked Louis's leg underneath the table, making Louis jump. "Never mind, Bray."

"Cupcake, I'll order my meal and just get mac and cheese on the side, and you can have that," I spoke up. "Sure," Braylyn agreed. About five minutes later, the waiter came back with our drinks then took our orders. Once he left again, the table corrupted with chatter, and conversations dispersed.

"Auntie Harry, I forgot to tell you that I love your dress," Zoey smiled brightly at him. "Aww. Thanks, darling," Harry grinned back at her. Harry has started to embrace his feminine side, and Louis encouraged him to wear a dress tonight. We all support him. "Forget eating a salad. I might just have to eat you tonight," Louis mumbled to Harry, causing Harry's cheeks to flush and almost choke.

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