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Y/n's POV

It was 8am the next day.

Hyunjae, Sunwoo and I were standing in front of the huge metal doors of what seemed like an abandoned warehouse, staring blankly at the infrastructure. "Are you sure this is the right place?" Sunwoo questioned Hyunjae who drove us here, obviously doubting him. "Yes? I followed the navigation." Hyunjae answered although he himself wasn't too sure of it.

"Let's just knock." I took a step closer to the door but got pulled back by Hyunjae. "No,no. What if this is some secret hideout of some gang?" Hyunjae panicked dramatically while Sunwoo rolled his eyes, stepping forward to knock on the door instead.

Moments later, sounds of the heavy metal door being unlocked were heard as it rolled open to show a completely different view from the exterior. In contrast to the old, run-down look of the outside, the interior was posh and carefully designed, almost like an expensive apartment.

"Are you three just gonna stand there with your mouths open or are you coming in?" Juyeon chuckled as he leaned against the doorframe, his hand playfully holding my chin.

Snapping out of it, we finally entered with curious eyes. "Amazing isn't it? Changmin designed it himself, everything. I'll bring you guys around." Juyeon beamed, slinging his arm around me as he started the tour.

The place had everything they needed; a gym, equipment room, their rooms and everything a house would need.

We were now gathered back in the living area with the others, minus their leader. I was seated on the couch next to Juyeon who still had his arm around my shoulder, watching Younghoon and Hyunjae over a game they were playing.

"You dumbass! You made us lose!" Hyunjae screamed at his new friend, shaking Younghoon by his shoulders. "What do you mean dumbass, dumbass?" Younghoon fired back, now grabbing Hyunjae's hair as they squabbled with each other, the scene making us laugh.

Except Kim Sunwoo? He was just staring with no expression and unreadable eyes but what confused me more was where his eyes were fixed on; Juyeon's arm that was around me.

I was studying his expression when his eyes suddenly flickered up towards the second floor. Following his line of vision, a figure was leaning against the railing. Changmin's gaze was strong and firm, strangely fixed on Juyeon and I too. Feeling burdened by the attention of the two, I shifted uncomfortably and tried to squirm out of Juyeon's hold.

"What's wrong?" Juyeon asked quietly as he noticed me acting weirdly. I rolled my eyes in the directions of the two, hoping he'd get my message. He did but he decided to make it worse as a sly smile appeared on his face. "What are you thinking?" I whispered, getting worried.

"I'm sooo sleepy, lend me your shoulder for a moment. Thanks BABY." Juyeon faked-yawned while emphasising on the word 'baby' before proceeding to rest his head on my shoulder with a huge grin, arms wrapping me in a hug. Great, just great.

Now I could literally feel the stares of everyone, especially the two who were already staring. "Do we already have a new couple here or something?" Haknyeon and Eric teased in unison, grabbing each other's hands and was soon joined by the now fangirling duo who stopped fighting.

Oh god, someone send help. I wanted to just melt and be one with the couch I was sitting on when I felt the stares, or glares, of the two men growing more intense.

As the teasing continues, my eyes continuously roamed between the two; Sunwoo now staring at the floor while Changmin's still fixed on me, causing our eyes to meet.

After some time, he broke the eye contact after casting one last glance at Juyeon and I as he disappeared into a room behind him, slamming the door behind him loudly.

Just then, someone cleared his throat. "Yah, time for a meeting since Changmin came out from his prison." Chanhee sassed, heading towards the room his leader had walked into as the others followed behind him.

This is gonna be an awkward meeting...

Juyeon's POV

This is interesting. I thought to myself as I understood Y/n's message about the two, a sly grin surfacing on my face. To be honest, they were rather obvious especially with the staring and the tension between them. Well, let's see how they react to this.

"I'm sooo sleepy, lend me your shoulder for a moment. Thanks BABY." I purposely emphasised on the word baby loudly to ensure it catches the attention of everyone, including Changmin who was on the second floor.

My plan went according to plan as Eric and Haknyeon started their teasing, accompanied by Hyunjae and Younghoon while Chanhee and I were trying not to laugh at Sunwoo and Changmin who were obviously jealous.

Chanhee definitely knows too. I was pulled back into reality when I heard Changmin slamming the door to the meeting room, not surprised at the loud sound, in fact amused by it as it made him even more obvious.

Looks like our leader is opening his heart.

im so sorry for not updating for so long :( been really busy with work

hope you guys r still here :(

~thedouble_a (28/12/20)

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