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Changmin's POV

"Chanhee, now. Make sure ALL lights are out." I ordered, arms crossed as waited for the right timing to sneak in. "Got it. 2 are positioned at the basement while the other 4 are patrolling around the estate. Just make sure to be careful of the 4 and as for the 2 in the basement, one of them is a girl so it should be simple." Chanhee said, using the Jung's surveillance camera as his own spy cams.

"I'll go to the basement with Juyeon and Haknyeon. The rest of you scout around, try to distract the others and prevent them from coming down to the basement." I assigned them accordingly, waiting for Chanhee's cue for us to enter. "Okay, all lights are out now go quick."

Juyeon, Haknyeon and I were heading down the stairs to the basement, with me leading. "I'll hold the girl, you two go check out the basement's layout and security systems." I whispered to them as I went down first. I heard the girl's voice as she frantically updated her team mates about the blackout.

Following the source of her voice, I quickly covered her mouth with my hand. "Shhhh, be quiet and no one gets hurt." I whispered, smirking when I felt her freeze and she remained in this state for awhile. Hearing silence, Juyeon and Haknyeon swiftly passed us and went further into the basement.

Suddenly, I felt slight movements from her arm. Looking down, I spotted her reaching for what looked like a taser in the dim light. "Nuh-uh, I just complimented you and now you're betraying my trust?" I growled lowly at her, tightening my grip on her.

"Changmin, her partner is coming back down with a flashlight. The three of you down there better make sure your faces are well covered." Chanhee warned through our communication device as he waited in the van. Seconds after, a faint light was shone in our direction and a deep voice followed. "Let her go."

Turning my head slightly to keep the new presence in check, I made sure he wasn't pointing any weapons at me. "And let her tase me with that? I don't think so." I laughed. "I said let her go." This one's stubborn huh. "Get any closer and she's dead." I threatened, turning serious as I heard him getting closer.

Hearing that, both of them froze but the girl was undeniably scared as she was shaking slightly in my grip. "Aww, you're scared? How cute." The tone of my voice lowered teasingly, knowing the effect I have on her.

It was quiet as none of us made a sound or any movement, except the intense glaring that came from the other male. The silence was soon broken as shots were fired above us, accompanied by shouting. "Shit, Changmin you guys have to be careful. Younghoon has been shot, Eric hurry and go get him." Chanhee's voice came through the earpiece.

"Ah shit, let's go." I said into the mic, the lights flickering on for a second as it caught me off guard for a moment but thankfully went dark again. Chanhee must be panicking. "We'll meet again." Pushing her towards the still glaring male, I dashed up the stairs and back to the van.

"Younghoon! How are you?" I asked for the condition of the injured male. "It hurts but I'll survive." Younghoon breathed out with a small smile on his face.

"He was shot in the shoulder but thank god the bulletproof vest managed to lessen most of the impact. There is slight penetration by the bullet but nothing too serious other than the bruising that will appear around the wound." Chanhee informed as he did a brief check.

"Guys! We're back! Let's get out of here." Haknyeon panted, a sign that he and Juyeon had ran all the way back. "How'd you guys get out?" Eric asked. "There's a hidden door at the back of the basement that leads to the side gate, it will be useful for our future visit." Juyeon briefed. "Good job."

We were back at our house in a flash as Juyeon drove at top speed. I had finished washing up and was waiting for the rest to be done, thinking about the encounter I had with the two.

The male was definitely stubborn and a strong character and he wouldn't be easy to deal with but the girl...she was scared but unpredictable, she was so close to succeeding her attempt in reaching for her taser even though she was scared.

Thinking about how she was shaking in my hold made a corner of my lips lift into a smirk. "What you thinking about? You look so evil." Chanhee sassed as he raised an eyebrow at me, making me shrug in response.

"Where's Younghoon?" I asked him, ignoring his question. "I'm here." Younghoon announced as he was supported by Juyeon, slowly walking into the living room. "Can you explain to us what happened?" My eyes cold as I stared at the injured man, not angry at him but angry because he failed to take care of himself.

"I was outside, near the garden and well hiding behind the bush to make sure the one patrolling that area doesn't go down to the basement but I kinda got caught when I accidentally stepped on a branch. I had no choice but to come out of hiding."


"Come out." He threatened, gun pointing in my direction as I stepped out from behind the bush slowly. "Why are you here?" He asked, gun never lowered. I kept quiet and stepped back slowly, waiting for the right time to escape.

"Y/n?" He mumbled suddenly into his communication device. Seeing him distracted, I took off in the opposite direction but he was too fast as he fired a few shots at me.

I was able to dodge most of it except the last one which hit me in the shoulder. Fortunately, he did not chase after me and I managed to find a quiet corner where Eric found me.

End of Flashback

"So her name's Y/n?" I muttered to myself. "Changmin, are you interested in her or something?" Eric asked with a teasing tone, earning a glare from me instead. "It's useful information, she can be an important factor in our plan." I defended myself calmly and thankfully that shut Eric up.

Although, she is one interesting girl.

I am currently very motivated to write this book so I might update it very often hehe also im sry I keep using 'communication device' bcos I have no idea what tat earpiece thingy is called

hope you guys are enjoying it so far! do leave a comment or vote :)

~thedouble_a (14/10/20)

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